what's in a username?

Discussion in 'General Chatter' started by devils-avocado, Oct 13, 2016.

  1. Spectacularsalmon

    Spectacularsalmon Enthusiastic dork

    My username is really similar to my tumblr url, which I came up with off the top of my head after deciding I didn't want a semi-canon homestuck url anymore. IDK, salmon tastes good.
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  2. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    I started going by the moniker PR on Neopets when I mashed two of my existing identities together, then noticed it looked like "public relations" and started going by that. Needless to say, most websites don't let you snatch the name "public relations" for some reason. :P PRelations it is.

    Icon is because Swindle was the most pumpkin-y character I could think of, color scheme wise, and I like the palette.
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  3. esotericPrognosticator

    esotericPrognosticator still really excited about kobolds tbqh

    my username is likewise modeled after Homestuck Pesterchum/Trollian handles, as you can probably tell, so I went looking for a suitable [adjective][Noun] set. "esoteric," usually with some numbers attached, has been my handle on fuckin' everything; my dad used it as the word in a game of Hangman (played in a restaurant on one of those paper tablecloths) a couple of days before I signed up for Baby's First Website (ChickenSmoothie, for the curious), and I remembered it and quite liked it, so here I am six years later. :P I do think it's a good word for me, given my tendency to sperg about obscure academia and all. I don't really remember how I came up with "Prognosticator"... it sounded cool, I guess? I liked "gnostic" a lot—it kinda fits in with the Knowledge schtick I've got goin' on—but that's part of Jade's handle already, so I stuck a prefix and suffix on and called it a day! my icon is a headshot of this wonderful commission @roach did of my fantroll Saikym. go admire them!!! it's such great art (of a great character design, if I do say so myself) and probably the best $50 I ever spent. it is kind of a weird icon out of context, especially since I am not really a frowny sort of guy, but somehow I can't bring myself to care. :D
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  4. Sethrial MacCoill

    Sethrial MacCoill Attempts were made

    This is my larping name
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  5. Exohedron

    Exohedron Doesn't like words

    I got my username via the tried-and-true taxonomist's method of naming things by mangling Greek. My icon is the forum's default icon after I spent way too much time removing the question mark from it, because I'm not questioning. I don't know the answer but I don't care enough to ask the question.
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  6. Codeless

    Codeless Cheshire Cat

    my username is my url, which I got years ago when i was fighting pesterchum and bitching to my then moirail about being bad at computer things/code. So, I am codeless. And at the time, I was still of the opinion that I was female.

    My icon is the Cheshire Cat, currently converted into a Cat O´Lantern.
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  7. NevermorePoe

    NevermorePoe Nevermore

    My username came after my old minecraft username was hacked and i needed a new one because i was going to become a moderator on the server i'd been playing on. I've always liked poetry... So, My username became QuotableRaven. My icon is my guinea pig, after the picture was cursed Swaggified by CDCF.
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  8. rigorist

    rigorist On the beach

    So, one of our debate coaches in college had a thing about "rigor in argument" and used that term quite a bit. Since several of use were snarky assholes, we thought the word "rigor" sounded hilarious and used it in various inappropriate ways, often fueled by undergraduate amounts of alcohol.

    Fast forward a couple of years and I needed to register at the old Internet Infidels to read some articles and I needed a throwaway registration name, so I chose "rigorist", never intending to use it for anything other than reading some articles.

    A couple of years after that, I got involved in the great Christian Forums vs. Internet Infidels board war. I still had my old IIDB registration name, so I just kept on using that when posting at IIDB, since my Christian Forums registration name was just a private joke between seebs and I and I was never attached to it and had actually intended it to be a throwaway as well. Tens of thousands of posts, several bans, and a great rise and fall in board administration later, my old name there, CaDan, is retired nearly everywhere. I still have my rainbow specs Hans Küng avatar from CF because I love his smirk and I love his rainbow specs I used to get around the rule against having rainbows in avatars (they're all about promoting Teh Ghey, y'know).
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  9. sirsparklepants

    sirsparklepants feral mom energies

    Sirsparklepants was what I named this badass paper unicorn sculpture I picked up from a thrift store in high school. The statue is no more, but his name lives on, seven years later. It also leaves me with the nickname "sparkles" which is neat.

    My usual userpic is a Roy Lichtenstein-style art of my dog I did for a class once. He picked up shades from @applechime. Current userpic is zombie makeup I did one year.
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  10. The Frood Abides

    The Frood Abides Doesn't Know Where His Rug Is

    When the mashup occurred to me I couldn't believe no one had thought of it before. There's something delightfully resonant about it, beyond the obvious rhyme -- you could swap any two characters in either of the works and it would change the details of the plot but I don't think it would change the overarching themes. A bunch of slackers at the mercy of a hostile universe, repeatedly blundering into someone else's dramatic story and cocking it all up, before delivering some enigmatic wisdom and sloping off to go get wasted. Funny-sad existential satire.

    Also, both Ford Prefect and Jeffrey Lebowski have a level of chill to which I can only aspire.
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  11. Technicality

    Technicality All's fair in love and shitposting

    I don't know who Jeffrey Lebowski is, but Ford Prefect? That's a hoopy frood who really knows where his towel is :3
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  12. Kaylotta

    Kaylotta Writer Trash

    Way back in April 2004, I joined BZPower, a BIONICLE fanforum. I, being 12, and having tried many usernames and disliked them, ran out of creativity and went with KanohiKaukauNuva_GaliNuva because guess who my fave was guys~~

    one of the role-model members kindly pointed out that it was a bit of a mouthful. I concurred, feeling somewhat dumb, and shortened it to KKN_GN.

    I had, by this time, found a niche community on the site, and we started calling each other by 'name' - i.e, nameified versions of our handles. I became KKN, then Kay. I liked it quite well.

    it is now sometime in the spring of 2005. i discover Phantom of the Opera and fall in love. I can sing Christine, the Phantom is soooo romantic, it's great. Twitter becomes a thing, and I want to join and pick a handle. Christine doesn't splice well with Kay, but Carlotta does, and indeed sounds very uniquely operatic - so I became La Kaylotta, shortened to Kaylotta for usernames and to Kay, still, for conversation.

    when Kaylotta is taken (which isn't often), I'm Inyalin - which is the short version of the name I built for myself in Quenya, Inyalinda Quenosanwë. (there's another accent in there somewhere.) i know what it means but can't be bothered to find where i wrote it down.

    my ICON... When Friendship is Magic was all the rage, i made a pseudo ponysona. This was her cutie mark, inspired by compass roses on maps, but simplified. She was an explorer, a finder of things. I used it as my Tumblr icon because I didn't want to use my face (as I do on Twitter), and as I named my blog "A Chaotic Mind" I felt the juxtaposition was well-placed. Now it just seems to fit.

    i still respond to Kay, more or less instinctively. It's a bit odd.
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  13. TheMockingCrows

    TheMockingCrows Resident Bisexual Lich

    I love crows and used to attract them wherever I went, and had dreams of them. Loved hearing their calls in groups it's like they were laughing at things. When I joined tumblr ages back it was when I still didn't know anything about social media and was going to do a mental health kinda journal in hopes of seeing improvement while making fun of shit till it went away or got better. (lmfao) but then I got into fandom and realized I could follow Brainbent and such on there then, so I did away with the original plan of the blog, got heavy into Homestuck, and eventually, latched onto Dave. So. More crows.

    So a bunch of crows making fun of shit and laughing in crowds kinda morphed into meaning a lot of things for me and now it's my username everywhere.
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  14. LadyNighteyes

    LadyNighteyes Wicked Witch of the Radiant Historia Fandom

    I more or less chose this username on a whim; there's very little backstory to it besides me having a bit of a melodramatic edgelord aesthetic. My nickname (Tez) and Tumblr username (downtroddendeity) have a lot more history to them- I went by Tezcatlipoca in a group chat for a long time (because he's the god of darkness/sorcery/chaos so again, edgelord aesthetic), and Tez is a natural shortening of that. I've stopped using the full thing since because I realized it's getting into cringey cultural-appropriation-ish territory, but the nickname stuck and I have it on good authority that I've answered to it IRL without noticing. "downtroddenDeity" happened during the time when everyone in the chat got into Homestuck, because yet another thing he's the god of is slaves. I later reinterpreted it to be about one of my OCs.

    The icon I found years ago in a LJ dump of PMMM icons and I just really like how it looks. Also has shutter shades from the rave because that amuses me.
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  15. Re Allyssa

    Re Allyssa Sylph of Heart

    When I was, like, 10, my parents had me pick a username for my email. My family's nickname for me has always been "Riri" -- the last syllable of my name doubled. however I have never been good at spelling and despite it coming from my name (which I knew how to spell), I spelled it wrong and my parents didn't correct me, thus rere216 (2 16 is my birthday) was born.

    When I moved onto Neopets in 2005, I was obsessed with the number 15 for some reason, so I became re_15. I always had one of the shortest usernames. Since I already went by Ri in my family, going by Re online was a no brainer. I have online friends from Neopets that know my full name, and still call me Re. I like it, and even have some of my meatspace friends call me Re.

    When I was little, my grandfather would call me by my middle name and it annoyed me so much because That Is Not My Name! lol. Idk when but sometime in high school I actually started liking my middle name and I decided that it sounded good together with my nickname. So, when it came time to make a new account somewhere, ReAllyssa it was! Now I have people calling me Allyssa, or Lyssa instead of Re, which is a little weird, but not that bad.
    I respond to either Re or Ri, depending on how people want to type it. xD

    My avatar is me in my god tier costume drawn by @roach! So very awesome! =D
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  16. Everett

    Everett local rats so small, so tiny

    I was tryingit out as a name and now it's just my username on here

    For my icon, i was goofing around in photoshop with the line tool or something and i did the thing where you add a border and uh yeah,some weird shapes plus a couple avatar blingie things from CDCF
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  17. palindromordnilap

    palindromordnilap Well-Known Member

    I saw it somewhere on Reddit and decided it was a great Tumblr URL, and then I started using it everywhere else. Some day, the default avatar for my Tumblr disappeared for some reason, and I picked that one off a Google search to replace it.
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  18. artistformerlyknownasdave

    artistformerlyknownasdave revenge of ricky schrödinger

    bastardidation of old tumblr handle because i'm lazy but didn't want to get found by people prone to googlin' my url
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  19. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    I'm pretty sure I was just coming up with dumb nerdy names to toss at my brothers to tell they they should have named their gaming... group? clan? KIDS THESE DAYS, with their LINGO and their EX BOXES. But my original tumblr url was 'yetanotherkorrablog' because I was that unimaginative, and I needed a proper username, so hey. I like 'shock and awe' as a concept, I adore spock the character, and it leaves me with a very convenient name for people to call me by. Plus, I'm just Attached now, there's no going back from this username. Downsides: I get confused when people say 'spock' and 'he' because um, I don't mind or anything, but signs point to that being incorrect-- oh. Right. Star Trek is a thing.

    My icons almost never mean anything. Occasionally they're self-portraits, but right now I was tired of scott pilgrim skyfire, and I was feeling love for my problematic robot faves. Coldstars had just switched to prowl, so I decided not to cause icon traffic jams in my brain (I don't remember posting that! oh. that is... because I didn't post that, only took me three rereads to catch on, WHOOPS) and went with my slightly-different-vintage-of-asshole son, Starscream (I still sometimes think my posts are by PRelations, because he had a Starscream icon for a while. I am not good at rolling with changes :VVVV)
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  20. devils-avocado

    devils-avocado tired and gay

    yessssssss so many excellent things
    I'd wondered about it tbh :D
    I bet a grilled sandwich could hold a decent edge. or just fill it with octopus tentacles, that'd probably do the trick
    this is one of the finest photos I've ever seen
    there's something wrong with this hamburger
    that's such a good idea tho. irreverent void impersonation
    I'm so happy to know the origins of the shouty cube dude :3
    it does look like your icon is starting a conversation with 'actually-' which is delightful
    so what you're saying is, you had ludicrous sunglasses shopped onto your icon before it was cool
    also I like how you smushed your previous forum IDs together (matching your sock accounts? lol) to form one new final-boss account
    pretty good random shapes tho, especially since putting accessories on them makes it look like a fashionable lil mountain range guy

    @spockandawe that is a pun for the ages & it always brightens my day a bit
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