What's your horoscope/sign?

Discussion in 'General Chatter' started by ectoBiologist, Mar 20, 2016.

  1. strictly quadrilateral

    strictly quadrilateral alive, alive, alive!

    December 22, 1998
    around 2:00 AM but idk exactly
    Boston, MA
  2. sirsparklepants

    sirsparklepants feral mom energies

    @Bel Capricorn Looks like your sun just barely eked into Capricorn there! Your moon is Aquarius. Your rising sign is the one that's pretty dependent on time - if you're on the cusp (like me) ten minutes here or there can actually make a difference. Right now I've got you at 2am exactly, which puts you as a Libra rising, but you're pretty close to the end; if you were born closer to 2:20, it might shift your rising into Scorpio.

    Just as some general information: each sign has both an element (water, earth, fire, air) and a quality (cardinal, mutable, fixed), and the signs that share these categories share some characteristics. Water signs tend to be emotional, air intellectual, fire intense, and earth practical. Cardinal signs are headstrong, mutable are, well, mutable and flexible, and fixed are stubborn. The way the boyfriend describes the qualities is the way that makes the most sense to me: say the three qualities were people, walking down a road, and come to a boulder or a wall that makes the path impassible. The cardinal sign will climb over it, the mutable sign will cut through the trees, and the fixed sign will move the boulder or cut through the wall, even if they have to pound through it with their forehead, metaphorically speaking.

    So, onto your moon! Aquarius is an air sign (I know, this drives me nuts too) and it's fixed. Air-sign moons often have a tendency to intellectualize (not sure if this is the right word) their own emotions; divorce themselves from feelings by breaking them down logically. Moon in Aquarius people are very much like this as they get older - the stereotype is the kind of "I am above all your petty human Feelings", which is obviously a huge oversimplification, and a tendency that, like everything else in astrology, is tempered or amplified by other parts of your chart. You probably tend to keep a cool head in emotionally-charged situations, though. Aquarius is also driven to be an innovator, to be unique, and often people with an Aquarius moon will feel that there's something that sets them apart from others as a child, good or bad, and may be lonely because of it. They're pretty independent people, as a whole, and value their freedom, intellectual and otherwise, a lot.

    People with a Libra rising tend to be pretty charming and nice in social situations, and can often take on the peacemaker role. They don't really like to rock the boat unless you know them pretty well! They can kind of come across as too forgiving, and want to keep up the niceness image, which can cause quite a bit of conflict in their personal lives. Libra as a sign is the scales, and they really like balance and harmony, so their reactions tend to reflect this. They also tend to be pretty persuasive in pursuit of that harmony and stability. If none of this sounds like you at all, you might be a Scorpio rising instead, which I'd be happy to elaborate on.

    If there's anything in particular in your chart you'd like more info on, let me know! I've attached an image of the one I ran for you to see, with your aspects included.
    bel chart.png
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2016
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  3. strictly quadrilateral

    strictly quadrilateral alive, alive, alive!

    Well, that seems accurate. The Libra rising I'm not so sure about - I do things like that sometimes, but other times I rock the boat for fun or out of boredom. What's Scorpio rising like?
  4. sirsparklepants

    sirsparklepants feral mom energies

    @Bel Capricorn Scorpio as a sign is, in a word, mercurial, but in a rising that tends to be mitigated. If you feel like Libra rising describes you a little, you might have a Scorpio rising balanced out by your Mars in Libra. Scorpio rising people are generally very passionate, and people love them or hate them. They're generally stubborn, emotional, and ambitious, but also pretty friendly people who are good at connecting with others, and are very observant.
  5. strictly quadrilateral

    strictly quadrilateral alive, alive, alive!

    That sounds more consistently accurate. Huh.

    Thank you so much!

    Edit: wait, Mars in Libra?
    • Like x 1
  6. chaoticArbiter

    chaoticArbiter an actual shiny eevee (destroyer of worlds)

    what does everything on the chart mean
  7. sirsparklepants

    sirsparklepants feral mom energies

    @Bel Capricorn if that sounds more like you, it might be that you were born a bit after 2am!

    Edit: Every planet has a place in your birth chart, and your chart is a complicated balance between them all. Scorpio's ruler is Mars, so your Mars sign tends to have the biggest mitigating influence on how Scorpio is represented wherever it is in your chart. Here's a super quick and dirty cheat sheet of the roles.

    • Fast-moving ("personal")
      • Sun: core self
      • Moon: feelings, emotions, inner life
      • Mercury: communication and thinking
      • Venus: love, pleasure, relationships
      • Mars: passion, drive, ambition - what motivates you
    • Slow-moving (more generational, affected more by houses)
      • Jupiter: luck, beliefs, ways to improve life
      • Saturn: practicality, discipline, hard lessons to learn
      • Uranus: change through innovation
      • Neptune: spirituality, the occult, dreams, imagination
      • Pluto: change through destruction of the old, life challenges, "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger"

    @chaoticArbiter The symbols on the outer wheel are all the astrological signs. The planet symbols coming off of them are your different planetary placements - for example, the mars symbol is in the Leo section of the wheel, showing you have Mars in Leo. This, and the degrees - where, exactly, on the section of the circle the planet falls - are also shown in the box in the corner. The inner circle are the houses, the mathematical divisions I was talking about earlier - your ascendant is actually the beginning of your first house, rather than a sign in and of itself. All the lines are different aspects - angles that your planets are at in relation to each other that show how they either work together or against each other. The stair-step chart at the bottom is showing the same thing, and the symbols inside the chart are the type of aspect. Houses and aspects are getting into more complicated astrology, but I'm happy to talk about them, too.

    (I feel like I'm taking over this thread - if I'm talking over anyone, I apologize!)
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2016
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  8. chaoticArbiter

    chaoticArbiter an actual shiny eevee (destroyer of worlds)

    what do the houses mean
    what does a particular sign being in a particular planet or house mean
  9. sirsparklepants

    sirsparklepants feral mom energies

    So generally, the planets are the ones in the signs or houses. I just put up a quick planet cheat sheet, and here's a pretty good house explanation. In general, CafeAstrology has pretty good simple explanations of stuff, but tends to kind of fall down on how to interpret how different elements of a chart influence each other, and can be kind of gendered, though not as much as some sites

    As for the signs: each sign has characteristics, and depending on those characteristics, the planet's role will be expressed a certain way. For example, I have Mars - passion and drive - in Cancer, the sign of gentleness, nurturing, and sensitivity. They... don't really work well together, unless I make them - I have a really hard time getting angry or passionate about a lot of things, except my family and friends. (Some sign/planet combos do not play well together). Then, depending on the house placement of this particular planet/sign combo, it shows what area of life is most affected by that. (My Mars is in the fourth house, that of family and relationships.) And the whole chart and its aspects are one big complicated system of checks and balances that tell a lot about someone's unique personality.
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2016
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  10. PotteryWalrus

    PotteryWalrus halfway hideous and halfway sweet

    I'm a Taurus with Scorpio rising! (Which I always find funny because every horoscope thing I've ever read said those two signs DO NOT MIX - even though both my brother and my best friend are Scorpios, as well XD)

    I'm year of the snake - I think I'm an earth snake, but I'd have to look it up again. I was born on the 23rd of April 1989, as well, so technically I'm a borderline Aries-Taurus cuspid XD
  11. chaoticArbiter

    chaoticArbiter an actual shiny eevee (destroyer of worlds)

    the link is not working for me but I found the thing
    soooooo what do the other planets/signs things on my chart mean? I'm sorry to pester :P but I'm curious.
  12. Another Shy One

    Another Shy One More books than clothes

    My horoscope signs are... well...
    Sun sign: Gemini
    Moon sign: Capricorn
    Rising sign: Capricorn
    (Are we doing north node? Im doing north node) N. Node: Capricorn

    In other news, i am the most grounded gemini i have met
    (Fun fact, had i been full term, i would have been a cancer, sun sign wise)
    • Like x 1
  13. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

    I wish I knew so much about the Thai birthday Buddha thing...Alas. It is kind of hard for me to find information on it besides some very barebones summaries. Which are like "This is why he is positioned this way. These are your lucky and unlucky colors and what not. This is what jobs you are most suited for". That and I should really look into Southeast Asian astrology? Which is primarily based off Indian stuff from what little I know of it. I know Sri Lanka's is at any rate.

    IF ANYONE HAS ANY RECOMMENDATIONS FOR TEXTS AND RESOURCES IN REGARDS TO SOUTH OR SOUTHEAST ASIAN ASTROLOGY PLEASE GIVE. Also East Asian. I might not be Mahayana but I do...Share some of their crap by way of cultural sharing and what not. So it would be nice to read even if I don't use it.
  14. sirsparklepants

    sirsparklepants feral mom energies

    @chaoticArbiter whoops, link should be fixed now. I'm PMing the interpretation to you, since it's longish.

    I would love to know some more about non-Western astrology, too.
  15. chaoticArbiter

    chaoticArbiter an actual shiny eevee (destroyer of worlds)

  16. strictly quadrilateral

    strictly quadrilateral alive, alive, alive!

  17. witchknights

    witchknights Bold Enchanter Defends The Fearful

    @Acey here it is!! sorry it took so long!! I don't know much about you so tell me if i interpreted things wrong - it's a learning opportunity for me.
    Your chart is very concentrated in a sort of triangular shape and with some interesting aspects.
    Your personal planets are concentrated in a sort of triangular pattern, with Mars in Cancer on the 8th house as the point. It's a very emotional chart - Mercury is in Pisces, which offers thinking a sort of dreamlike quality, and the Moon is in a tri-conjunction with Neptune and Uranus - the Moon-Uranus conjunction indicates a certain impulsiveness to act on emotions, which is also shown with Mars (the planet of action and aggression) in Cancer, which is a Mars that is deeply affected by moods. Mars, Jupiter retrograde, Venus and Moon are in an almost perfect square - squares are aspects that indicate difficulty in developing the areas involved, which might give itself to contradicting emotions/desires, or actions that contradict your internal state - and the chart indicates you may tend to turn these inward, because Jupiter retrograde is kind of drawn towards itself. This might be particularly noticeable in romantic or family relationships, as your Venus in Aries is in the fourth house (family) opposing Jupiter. Venus doesn't do well in Aries, which is essentially Martian, so it might be worth asking yourself if you're not internalizing any confusion or conflict in your relationships (or maybe it was something you've already worked through idk).
    Sun is conjunct Saturn, so it might indicate you put undue limitations on your natural self expression, or have trouble making it hold its own against the emotional turmoil of your map, indicating that it's something that requires continue work. Because the Sun is in a square with the Pluto-conjunction-Ascendant, you might have problems getting along with others when you express yourself fully, and maybe that's what it's limiting you from achieving the qualities of your Sun? It represents a challenge of honesty, of how to honestly and sincerely be yourself amidst society, and because of the placement of pluto it might be especially important for you to do that, or it's something that you put a lot of thought into. Because of Sun-Trine-Mars, though, you might feel especially invigorated when you manage to attune your desires and your emotions.
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  18. witchknights

    witchknights Bold Enchanter Defends The Fearful

    @sirsparklepants wanna take a look at the doc I'm translating? I'm thinking about putting it here for the people who want a reference on this thing, but it's fairly short-ish and I may be forgetting stuff (i only have the planets stuff and I'm starting on the explanations of the Houses for now because the original is a lesson I made for a friend that I'm editing to remove her personal information since someone else wants the Portuguese version)
  19. witchknights

    witchknights Bold Enchanter Defends The Fearful

    C-sections don't affect it, although some people thing it should. I usually don't go for due dates because they're not exact, but some people get a second chart with dates closer to the due date and prefer that one.
  20. sirsparklepants

    sirsparklepants feral mom energies

    @witchknights yeah, that sounds good! It'd be awesome to have a quick-reference doc available, and I'm happy to help.

    @Alska I'm totally willing to do a chart rundown, it'll just take a bit because work stuff.
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