What's your horoscope/sign?

Discussion in 'General Chatter' started by ectoBiologist, Mar 20, 2016.

  1. VintageBear

    VintageBear Active Member

    I might be raising this topic from the dead. But I find this topic really fascinating!

    Although, maybe it's just a personal opinion of mine. I'm of the belief that "cusps" as a concept don't really exist. Even if you are on the threshold of another sign, you are still ultimately that sign that your date falls into! (Say you were born on October 25th on the cusp of Sagittarius and Scorpio. You are still a Scorpio, but born really early on into the sun's transition into that sign when you were born! <3 The only way that this can come into any kind of validation is if you aren't 100% sure of your birth time, because having exact or near-exact birth times is important when drawing up or generating a natal chart since a difference of five minutes or more can make all the difference of where your Sun/Moon and planet signs fall into!

    Anyway! I know a bit about astrology too, so if anyone has questions to ask: consider me another member of the team!


    For those who might not know how to read a chart clearly:
    I am a Scorpio Sun (11th House)
    Sagittarius Moon (1st House)
    Scorpio Rising
    Scorpio Pluto (12th House)
    Virgo Midheaven
    Sagittarius Venus (1st House)
    Cancer Mars (8th House)

    I basically like to think myself the epitome of the "mom-friend" with how my chart reads haha.

    I've done one chart analysis for a friend of mine, but I may try and write one up for myself soon and get a sense of coherence in my chart.

    Feel free to add your own insight if you'd like. I'd be curious to see what people think.

    Also I co-admin an astrology blog over on tumblr. I'm not a super active poster, but there is a wealth of resources in our "learn astrology" tag if anyone's interested in that too.
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2016
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  2. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    15 minutes late with starbucks, and there i thought just dumping my chart here would be a novel idea. i have erred.

    The chart might not be accurate due to exact time of birth, but I will see if I can get my hands on my birth certificate and check the time.
    Screenshot (1).png
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  3. glitterchance

    glitterchance 34 Vigilant Gaze Engulfs the Void

    I want to nerd out all over this thread. It's so interesting!

    I'm a Taurus/Gemini cusp, and I know absolutely nothing about the rest of my chart. :D
  4. Silvereye

    Silvereye 89 White Paladin Traverses The Cosmos

    Gemini sun, Scorpio moon, Virgo ascendant. It seems at least somewhat correct.
  5. baskerville

    baskerville Well-Known Member

    necroing bc i was thinking about this!!

    im a libra sun and a gemini moon. haven't really looked at horoscopes @ gemini moons, so im not too sure, but im basically a textbook libra.
  6. Hatchback

    Hatchback ... he is just fine again today

    So, I don't really believe in horoscopes or other esoteric things like that, but that said...

    I'm a Capricorn sun, Capricorn moon, and Gemini ascendant.

    Actually, Capricorn shows up a lot on my chart, which seems unusual? I've attached it below, if anyone has any analysis or comments I'd be thrilled to hear? I don't know much about star charts or anything at all.

    Anyway. So, yeah, like I said, I don't really do horoscopes or that sort of thing, but... from everything I know about Capricorn specifically it seems painfully accurate to my life, which is interesting, at least.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Sep 5, 2016
  7. sirsparklepants

    sirsparklepants feral mom energies

    You've got a Capricorn stellium! My boyfriend has one, too - it's fairly common for kids in the US in the late 80s-very early 90s, but yours is really strong. The Saturn, Uranus and Neptune in Cap are slower planets, more generational, but if you have a lot of Capricorn elsewhere in your chart, it can be pretty significant. The planets houses are in are fairly significant with a stellium - would you be willing to upload that part of your chart?
  8. Saro

    Saro Where is wizard hut


    I love astrology! I have no idea what any of this means, but it's cool-looking.
  9. Hatchback

    Hatchback ... he is just fine again today

    That's my generation! Thank you for the comment, I've never heard of that before. Here's the part you asked for.

    Attached Files:

  10. Carnivorous Moogle

    Carnivorous Moogle whose baby is this

    ...so, taking the 'when you were due' thing into account, i'm squarely a taurus--may 8--but i could just as easily have been pretty close to an aries cusp--i was real late--and boy howdy that explains a lot :0

    (my moon sign is capricorn. i am gamtav incarnate. this pleases me even if i am deeply confused about how capricorn would actually fit me at all)
  11. sirsparklepants

    sirsparklepants feral mom energies

    Oh, those are actually your aspects! CafeAstrology apparently doesn't draw your houses on your natal wheel (annoying), so I just need the text right above the birth chart wheel, beginning "Ascendant in Gemini". It'll have some descriptions, but I just need "house [blank] in [blank] if you just want to copy-paste the headings.
  12. sirsparklepants

    sirsparklepants feral mom energies

    Also @Saro good lord, you have a lot of aspects! And a lot of fixed and earth signs in your chart, as well.
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  13. Hatchback

    Hatchback ... he is just fine again today

    Whoops, sorry about that, it even says that, argh... Here, let me try again. Thank you!

    Ascendant in Gemini

    House II in Cancer

    House III in Leo

    House IV in Leo

    House V in Virgo

    House VI in Scorpio

    House VII in Sagittarius

    House VIII in Capricorn

    House IX in Aquarius

    House X in Aquarius

    House XI in Pisces

    House XII in Taurus
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2016
  14. Carnivorous Moogle

    Carnivorous Moogle whose baby is this

    @sirsparklepants could you take a look at mine? :D


    i don't know the time of my birth but i'd love to see your thoughts if that's cool!

    Attached Files:

  15. sirsparklepants

    sirsparklepants feral mom energies

    @Hatchback so! since you are not a nasty ascendant-cusp baby like me, which makes interpreting my chart a pain, most of your Capricorn planets are going to be in house 8. House eight is kind of a tumultuous place - it's the house of love, death, sex - a lot of change, basically. It also rules other people's money, taxes, debts, and sometimes inheritances. The planets you've got there are the sun - your innermost, truest self, the moon - your emotions and instincts, mercury - communication and logical thought, Saturn - Capricorn's ruler, home of rules, restrictions, structure, boundaries, Uranus - innovation, progress, change, and Neptune - mysticism, secrets, and the occult. And all of these are in Capricorn!

    A super, super quick and dirty rundown of a birth chart - planets are the parts of your personality, signs are how they're expressed, and houses are where in your life they're expressed. (All of this is kind of quick and dirty because I'm not a professional astrologer and charts are complicated, haha.) So the thing is with a stellium that someone can be way too focused on the area of life covered by the house the planets are in, and Capricorn tendencies are how this focus manifests. So, for example, with your moon as part of the capricorn stellium in house 8, you may be focused on restricting your emotions when it comes to change, love, death, etc. Or creating very strict boundaries, or not trusting your instincts. You may have a fascination with sex that you keep rigorously leashed, or you may go the exact opposite - feel like sex is a distraction from your goals. You may find the way you can speak of things like death or debt is subject to very regimented rules. And the same for the rest of the planets! You may have trouble figuring out how death works, in that it may seem random and nonsensical to you, as well.

    I'm kind of brainfried atm so I'll stop here, but if any of this sounds familiar and you want me to elaborate (later, lol) let me know!

    @Carnivorous Moogle I can't do anything super in-depth for you without birth time - that's how your houses are determined - but I can give you a quick rundown of planet-sign stuff!
    Quoting myself from earlier in this thread:
    I'm just going to go through your personal planets, because brainfried and those tend to be the most relevant for people.

    Looks like you've got three fairly influential planets in Taurus - your sun, mercury, and mars. Taurus is an earth sign - stubborn, practical, grounded - but it also has a trace of romanticism and/or sensuality to it, as it's ruled by Venus. So you likely communicate and think in a very down-to-earth way, and you take your time about saying things and coming to decisions. It's also very hard to shake you once you've fixated on a goal or ambition, I'd say, based on this. You like security, stability, and have somewhat of a fondness for material posessions. You take delight in the pleasures of the world around you.

    Your moon is Capricorn - the emotional planet influenced by the logical, controlling sign of Capricorn. You don't like it when you don't feel in control of your emotions or yourself. You have plenty of feelings and you're connected to them, but it's hard for you to let go and express them, with the consequence that you can sometimes seem cold and calculating to people. You probably feel a need to be productive or be needed and useful.

    Your Venus is Gemini - gemini is an air sign, intellectual and sometimes disconnected from emotions. In relationships, you probably try to win people over with your conversational skill and sharp wit. You don't like your relationships or, often, your hobbies, to become stagnant - you're always looking for new input! You also need some space away from the relationship from time to time, to be an individual.
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  16. Carnivorous Moogle

    Carnivorous Moogle whose baby is this

    @sirsparklepants awesome, thanks! no worries about the brainfry thing at all, i totally understand and i appreciate that you did this much :D

    (also huh! that's pretty accurate overall i'd say; interesting! thanks again!)
  17. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

  18. sirsparklepants

    sirsparklepants feral mom energies

    @winterykite sorry, not tonight, but ping me sometime after noon ET tomorrow and I'll see what I can do?
  19. Hatchback

    Hatchback ... he is just fine again today

    @sirsparklepants - Hahah, oh, man, it all sounds familiar. I'm going to continue to be amused by how accurate that all is despite not really believing in it; in particular, I do have pretty intense obsessive/fixating tendencies. If you have more details I'd love to hear them, but if your brain is too fried, no big. I really appreciate your analysis! Thanks!
  20. Xitaqa

    Xitaqa Secretly awesome

    Cancer/Leo cusp (which I noticed is pretty popular on first page at least! I'm last day of cancer/first day of cusp)
    & Scorpio moon (hi OP we're moonbros or something)

    A friend of mine at work is an aquarius, and she finds that nobody seems to know what an aquarius is supposed to be like, so she just attributes any old behavior to her sign and people accept it. Sometimes to an absurd degree, like she'll use it to excuse forgetting to call someone and they'll accept it.
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