Where Woofs (18+)

Discussion in 'Boat Trolls RP' started by Erskin Aspera, Oct 27, 2015.

  1. Bel Kadros

    Bel Kadros Nerd Wolf

    "No, more like, we drive a thousand miles, and then we do however much wandering around Calgary we want to, and the truck's kind of in the middle of it and we can stop back at it for supplies or whatever in between explorations. Even just going to the Boundary Waters first, okay, yes, it's a huge park, and it's a maze of waterways and lakes, which makes it even bigger functionally for someone on foot. But it's also like three hundred miles from here? Why waste our time -- and risk our lives -- walking through the damn suburbs and crossing a squillion boring cornfields and christmas tree farms, when we could be playing in the park?"
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  2. Erskin Aspera

    Erskin Aspera flintlockGallivant

    You blink at him. "Oh. Hmm. I think I understand. I suppose to me it's all about the same level of interesting, just in different ways. Monoculture territories can be difficult to hunt in, so the task of getting enough to eat keeps you too busy to care that the scenery's boring. Parks are fun, but so easy, so— soft? safe?— that you get bored even though there's lakes and rocks and whatever. Suburbs are dangerous so they're tremendous fun for covert operations, you know? Even passing as a dog you might have to dodge Animal Control, plus what little prey there is gets snapped up by foxes and coywolves, so it's a real challenge. Inner cities have their own, their own— centers. Magic...al environment? That's where you run the real risks of getting eaten, cities, gobbled up by the kinds of things that want to eat werewolves, but they're such fun."

    You stir your tail against the blankets. "It's all— all the traveling is interesting to me, it's the traveling that's interesting to me, and nearly everything to do along the way is its own sort of game. I don't suppose you and I have the same entertainment requirements."
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  3. Bel Kadros

    Bel Kadros Nerd Wolf

    "No," you say softly, "I think I've had enough danger for a while. I think I'd rather avoid it if it's all the same to you. I just want to see beautiful places."
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  4. Erskin Aspera

    Erskin Aspera flintlockGallivant

    You have to scoot back over to his side in order to lick his face.

    "Yes, of course," you tell him. "It'll all still be waiting in a year, or five. Just remind me when I forget, would you?"
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  5. Bel Kadros

    Bel Kadros Nerd Wolf

    "Okay. Thanks." You tilt your head to his licking with a contented sigh. "You're a good friend. I'm glad I met you."
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  6. Erskin Aspera

    Erskin Aspera flintlockGallivant

    "I'm glad you met me too," you tell him honestly. "Go to sleep." You nose at him until he at least closes his eyes and relaxes. Then you lie there with your chin on the blankets and think how much you really do like him, and want to look out for him, and want him to be happy. You suppose you planned out such a big family for his post-traveling-along-with-you future because the thought of losing your own, the way he did in his war, is so horrifying, and he seems so sad. You can't be anyone's family all on your own like this, you wouldn't know how, you don't think, anyway.

    But he's nice. You can worry about whatever there is to worry about later. Or never. You close your eyes too.
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  7. Erskin Aspera

    Erskin Aspera flintlockGallivant

    You wake up to delicious meat and cheese smells, which are soon— somewhat disappointingly— transmuted to sizzly cooking smells. Bel stuffs his nose further under his tail and grumbles when you poke him, so you venture forth on a solo expedition.

    Mr Kadros is fussing around in the kitchen, and you click your nails noisily off the tile flooring as you approach, so as not to be sneaking up. You've taken enough hot spatulas to the snout to go around startling people at their stoves.

    When he looks back at you you wag at him. Good morning!
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  8. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    "Oh, hello, Ru -- Erskin, I was just about to go wake you boys up. Sleep well?" He takes the tail wag as an affirmative. "Glad to hear it. Something to drink? Tea, coffee, milk?" He points to the tea tin on the table, the keurig machine on the counter (box of decaf pods already next to it), and the fridge respectively, so Erskin can indicate with a point of his nose. Even if the boy knows Morse code the way Bel does, it's probably a bit early for that sort of thing on a vacation day.
  9. Erskin Aspera

    Erskin Aspera flintlockGallivant

    Amused, you get your front paws on the table's edge and snuffle through the tea tin. After a brief sneezing spell you nip out a mint teabag and bring it over to him, then sit and thump your tail while he fixes it up. he's even thoughtful enough to put it in a wide mug, with a saucer.

    You give the stovetop an exaggerated once-over. What's for breakfast? you enquire, settling down with the tea between your forelegs. It's too hot to drink quite yet, but the steam's lovely to sniff.
  10. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    Busy moving chopped sausage to a paper towel so he can drain most of the fat before frying onions in what's left, Alex misses the gesture. It's the most important question in the kitchen right now, though, so he answers it anyway once the onions are in to sizzle: "I'm making Greek omelets. Lamb sausage, feta cheese, i've got some charming little grape tomatoes sliced up -- there's bacon keeping hot in the oven, too. Sound good?"
  11. Erskin Aspera

    Erskin Aspera flintlockGallivant

    You may drool on the floor a little, but you lick your chops hastily and then commit yourself to chewing your toes clean like a polite young man who certainly has no designs to nick anything off the counter. Best behavior!

    Isn't Alex supposed to be at work, though? You weren't aware that it was the weekend again already. When he's look at you you pose the question—point your nose at the front door, at the kitchen clock, look at him, cock your head curiously. He might be a quicker study than his son.
    • Winner x 1
  12. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    It takes him a few moments to puzzle it out, but he does get it. "Why am I not at work?" Getting confirmation, he explains, "I'm taking a few vacation days. I had some saved up, and there's nothing of any great import happening at work. If there's a forest fire or a train accident or something I'll have to ride to the rescue, of course, but barring emergencies I can take the time to get to know you and be here for Bel."

    He folds an omelet around its fillings, plates it, drizzles on tatziki sauce, and then chops it into snarfable quarters with the spatula. "Would you like it on the floor or the table?" he asks as he adds some bacon from the oven.
  13. Erskin Aspera

    Erskin Aspera flintlockGallivant

    Distracted by the overwhelming cognitive load that is bacon existing in front of you, it takes you a moment to remember english. You pat the floor in front of your teacup saucer with your paw, then give his neck a fervent amount of thank-you-for-food licks when he kneels down to put it in front of you. Humans tend not to like those on the mouth.

    Maybe you should go wake up Bel....? You hesitate, looking back over your shoulder to the upstairs. Maybe if Bel doesn't wake up you can eat his portion. Moral qualms completely silenced, you dig in joyously.

    It is delicious.
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  14. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    "Let's let him sleep in," Alex says to Erskin's backward looks. "He doesn't do it often, he must need it."

    He puts his own omelet together and sits down at the table with a cup of coffee. There is a companionable quiet punctuated by eating noises.

    When he's chasing the last tiny tomato slice around a puddle of tatziki with his fork, Alex says suddenly, "Didn't you say your last name is Aspera? You wouldn't happen to be related to Reginald Aspera, would you?"
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  15. Erskin Aspera

    Erskin Aspera flintlockGallivant

    Hello there, how does he know your dad? You were under the impression that military services tended to be rather big places. Pulling your nose out of your tea, you give Alex a big nod, then tilt your head questioningly.
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  16. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    "Small world!" he says delightedly. "What an amazing coincidence. Your father?" He's prepared to go through lists of other possible relations, but gets a nod to the first guess. "I met him -- oh, it must've been 1988, I guess, it was before I got married and before he retired. Diplomatic business, I was transportation for the most part, he could've just told me to shut up and fly the plane but he was kind enough to give me some real work to do. Brilliant man."
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  17. Erskin Aspera

    Erskin Aspera flintlockGallivant

    "I've got to go remind them I'm retired," is what your dad would say before heading out of the territory, when you were a pup. Once, after you'd made your escape but were still pretty much a nipper, he'd managed to get in touch with you and invited you along— it had been damn good fun. You got a smart blue police-dog vest and a big clickety chain lead, and a muzzle that made you look absolutely rabid, and got to run down and tackle a man wearing a lot of explosives. Your dad bought you so much steak you slept for two days, called you a good man, and thoughtfully dropped you off in the rat-infested cargo hold of a ship headed to Brazil.

    Mostly he took your mother or aunt, when they wanted a bit of a vacation. Once when you were very small he went out with your maman, and come home with another cardboard box to put down in the basement by the first one. He was sad for a long time after that trip.

    Still, 1988 was a good deal before you were whelped, and before the second box, even. He'd probably have brought along your aunt in particular, she likes meeting other Americans, even human ones.

    You wag your tail at Alex encouragingly, and go to drop your licked-clear plate in the sink.
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2016
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  18. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    "Thanks; could I trouble you to take my plate as well?" He thoughtfully pours himself a second cup of coffee as he watches Erskin lick his plate clean and put it in the sink too. He says slowly, "Unfortunately, 'How much do you know about your father's work?' isn't the sort of question you can answer with body language, is it? I don't suppose you know Morse code after all?"
  19. Erskin Aspera

    Erskin Aspera flintlockGallivant

    You laugh, tongue lolling out between your teeth. You have to take a flying leap to manage some of the tougher members of the alphabet, you're not up to wrangling codes any time soon. If ever.

    "We'd better get Bel if you want a conversation," you say, with a significant nod at the upstairs.

    You add jokingly, "Or we could just turn you," with a wide, slow pantomime of a bite to his ankle. It shows off every tooth but the fabric of his trousers is hardly dented, and you make loud gnawawaw noises.
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  20. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    Alex doesn't flinch; he doesn't even tense up. "Much as I enjoy sharing my son's interests," he says wryly, "I do like my job, and I can't do it with paws instead of fingers." He reaches down to pat Erskin's neck, letting him know the joke didn't offend, then gets up to tackle the stove again. "What time is it -- nine? Yeah, if we let Bel sleep any later he'll be insufferable. Would you wake him, please?"
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