WinkWonk and the Cling Clongs - A TF Thread

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by WinkWonk, Jun 27, 2016.

  1. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    Hahahaha, well I literally just thirty minutes ago finished reading a miniseries that's like... 90% about Prowl being a dick. As far as the IDW comics go, Prowl is an intelligence officer, very scheming, very much a control freak. He's big on behind the scenes manipulation, and while his ultimate intentions may be decent, he's willing to do a lot of asshole stuff to make it happen. A LOT of asshole stuff. He's a pretty central character in the exRiD ongoing series, though he does feature in mtmte too! He's important to the backstory of one of the main characters, and we see him both on the page (very first chapter, even) and in flashback. Also he looks significantly different and he's GORGEOUS

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    He's such a fucking dick, and I love him so much I can barely function
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2016
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  2. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it

    In dire need of vacation time away from any sense of responsibility with a group of therapy whales so he can regain perspective and stop making terrible life choices
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  3. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    the essential Prowl experience is pretty much: "PLEASE stop being an asshole for five seconds, why are you so hot while being such a terrible person"
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  4. coldstars

    coldstars get Jazzy on it


    I found it

    The quintessential Prowl post

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  5. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    I will say that the Prowl difference was maybe the most jarring thing for me about watching TFA. Either that or Optimus's luscious lips, though the lips definitely grew on me. I spent most of Prowl's screentime metaphorically throwing popcorn at the screen and whispering stop being a decent person, you're making me uncomfortable
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  6. Allenna

    Allenna I am not a Dragon. Or a Robot. Really.

    In G1 he is mostly by the books, he's a tactical advisor, normally scans a cop car. Normally paired with Jazz. There is uh a lot of fanon since G1 was light on the ground of characterizations.
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  7. mizushimo

    mizushimo the greatest hits

    Sorry! did read your intro post around the time you posted it, but my recall isn't that great unless i read something more then once.

    Agreeing with everyone about prowl. He's a huge dickbag. Its always disappointing when you find out that he wasnt actually being as as huge of a dickbag as you thought he was.
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2016
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  8. WinkWonk

    WinkWonk 30 Luminous Shark Distresses The Squeamish

    Don't worry, friend, I was just poking a lil fun! I totally know that feel because my memory is also shitty :c
    Thank you and all the others so much for the information. Seems like Prowl's pretty popular with the Kintsugi crowd!
    The IDW comic version sounds very very intriguing, and wow, he really is a stunner !! I'm so excite!
    And yeah, I feel you. I just can't stop staring at those strangely kissable robot lips! He probably gives the best robot smooches.

    Re: live blogging: damn, that Lockdown dude looks metal as fuck! I don't know why he's wearing black metal corpse paint, but I'm not complaining!
    And I'm so stoked for the space!German robot! He seems like a whole bunch of fun! Oh god though, Arcee is so pink.
    Awww, Ratched and Optimus bonding time ;-;
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  9. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    I do not know what color energon is in TFA
    but in IDW Arcee is also very pink.
    and so is Energon.
    Arcee is literally robot blood colored

    (which she is also in TFP since Energon is blue there :P)
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  10. WinkWonk

    WinkWonk 30 Luminous Shark Distresses The Squeamish

    Oh, that's a good catch! And what a coincidence you brought that up, because energon just showed up in the show and it is also pink!

    Also: what the absolute fuck. Why was everyone so casual about that one guy who used that speed acceleration suit thing aging to the point of being almost dead. I mean okay, he's a criminal, but sheesh.
    Also, poor spider lady ::c

    Anyway, I gotta call it a night because it's hella late and my eyes hurt. I shall continue tomorrow! Sorry I can't reply today, @spockandawe , but I will do that tomorrow before I get back to watching!
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  11. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    No, no worries at all! It takes like NOTHING to get me to generate a giant wall of text, so take as much time as you need. I'm glad it looks like you're enjoying TFA!!

    And! TFA trivia! So, Lugnut is totally married. He's a big dumb lunk, but his wife is a super strong, super smart general and he loves and respects her so much!


    She doesn't get much screen time in the series, but she's a major player in that one fic coldstars and I keep bringing up, and she's the BEST. Like Knock Out, she's also gotten introduced into the idw comics universe recently, and I couldn't be happier :D

    (also in that fic, she's an unabashed sadist and that part of her character doesn't take up much screen time, but it's written really nicely. And also she's a total momma bear who finds young soldiers with potential and takes them under her wing and trains them for command. I LOVE HER SO MUCH)
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2016
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  12. WinkWonk

    WinkWonk 30 Luminous Shark Distresses The Squeamish

    I'm so glad because I also have a tendency to go all teal deer on people, so I really appreciate your text walls :D It's always so nice when people are really passionate about the stuff they like, and I find enthusiasm contagious in the best possible way.
    Ohh, I remember you talking about her in CDCF, but I totally missed the fact that she was in the show too! I'm looking forward to seeing her in action, she sounds really badass!
    And damn, you guys are making me so curious about the fic.

    Reply time!
    The contrast is really hot! Damn though, imagine how much fabric would be needed.
    And I can only image how hard they must be to draw! I'm really impressed by you guys for having the patience for that, especially because getting the proportions wrong even a little bit would probably make things look wrong, and of course you gotta keep everything looking really symmetrical too @n@ Is this more of a fic-writing fandom for you?
    Yeah, the fights were nice to look at, especially at the end where everything took place in the middle of a big city so you could get a really good sense of scale! And I liked the soda machine transformer that shot soda cans. (Fake edit: I just googled it to watch that scene again and saw that one even has a name.)
    Megan Fox' character was neat and she should have been the protagonist instead, if you ask me!
    I think I heard about her complaints when the movies came out. Apparently he was sort of creepy towards her?
    Ohh, I see, that actually sounds pretty cool, even though combining is just a cheap tactic to make weak robots stronger!
    I guess it's as you said, and the movies are not as jarring when you don't know any of the characters from other continuities.
    And dang, he BIG! So do combiners basically work like fusions and turn into a completely distinct character with their own distinct personality and everything?
    Speaking of SU: when I watched Prime and it turned out that Unicron turned out to be the earth's core my first thought was "oh man, I hope he and the Cluster get along!"
    Amethyst would make a great Transformer, though.
    That sounds like a pretty cool idea and that is a nifty design with a more distinct silhouette! Creepy surveillance bot seems to really work out for Soundwave. But I feel you, I had a lot of trouble telling them apart as well. It really is a lot easier when they are colourful rather than just various shades of metallic grey :c
    A robot who hangs out with a robo sharks is automatically a great robot in my book!
    RIP in pieces (heh), Bayverse!Jazz, you died for a good cause; a really snazzy one-liner! I guess one version of him just had to die to restore the balance again.
    That sounds like a pretty fun ship, and they look adorable playing robot chess :D Who are the guys in the background?
    Speaking of porn, when you sent me that solo Soundwave comic I checked more of the TFP tag and oh man, I'm definitely still in that phase where I get really flustered by porn for a new fandom. I'm not bothered at all when it's characters or fandoms I'm not familiar with, but after I just got to know them, seeing porn of them just feels so weird, like you're looking at porn of your friends ;///; I had the same problem with Homestuck and SU first, so I know it will go away after a few weeks, but it will be awkward for a while. I guess I need to get more familiar with TF xeno real quick!
    What exactly is wireplay again? What are the various ways for the robots to robone?
    Same, same! They are so frustrating and sad and you just wanna grab them by the shoulders (or shoulder plates) and shake them!
    And the NC Starscream feature actually didn't talk much about the TFA version! I assume he plays a somewhat smaller role there?
    It would definitely be cool if she did a comic review, though I don't think that's likely :c
    No, no! I have only seen her Starscream feature and Doug's review of the original series. I didn't know she has a review of the movie, actually, so it's good that you mentioned it! I just went to watch the review and wow, that body count was completely ridiculous! They even killed off Optimus, for real?!
    That movie must have traumatized so many kids in the 80s D:
    Word! Airachnid should have tied Arcee up and got all up in her personal space/stroked her face a lot more >:c
    Man though, I'm just glad that aside from a jokey line or two, the female robots didn't have shitty romance sub-plots with their team mates. It's always really frustrating when female aliens are only introduced to a largely mono-gender alien race to show "yes, they are aliens, but heterosexual aliens, dammit!" So I didn't mind too much that the only female robots in each team had to have their intense rivalries with each other :p

    And what the fuck, that is a really weird personality change. Was there some reason given for that choice?
    That reminds me, wasn't there also a lolibait-ish TF manga where the robots had to be hugged or kissed by human girls to get energy or something, and there was a robot with a weird penis tongue?
    I'm so happy for the beautiful couple ;-;
    Oh, that would be so wonderful ♥ It really is a pretty intriguing and fucked up premise!
    Ah, I remember those issues because they were mentioned in the CDCF thread before. I think it was Rigel who was really insistent on people tagging it for him for blacklisting purposes. It definitely sounds right up my alley!
    And oh god, what a heartbreaking and rueful expression *u* I can't wait to see the context!
    That sounds great! I haven't really had a lot of spoons for fic reading lately, though, unless it's only like, one relatively short chapter long :c So it may take a while until I get around to it!
    I see, so they did try to explain it in some way. Now I'm sad, though. There go my dreams of a several tons heavy cassette recorder ;-;
    Though it does seem to me like they try to keep the mass/size relatively consistent now?
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2016
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  13. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    those are soundwave's symbiotic cassettes!! the little blue and red dudes are rumble and frenzy, the cat is ravage, and the bird is laserbeak!! soundwave's other bird buzzsaw is tragically not pictured

    they live inside soundwave's chest compartment. they are tiny spies and i love them all very very much

    they change based on continuity! in the IDW verse they are a lot more independent, and they can all talk (and ravage is a pretty central character in his own right, bless his rude cat heart) whereas in the G1 cartoon verse (which the fic is an AU of) they are basically attached to soundwave's hip and the animal-looking ones can't talk.

    if i don't stop myself now i will end up TGWP-infodumping all over you so I WILL LEAVE IT AT THAT.....

    (....... YOU SHOULD READ TGWP ASAP........)
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  14. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    I've been having one of those weird phases lately were everything I draw is hideous (hideous!!), even though it probably looks totally fine, plus transformers art takes me a while still while writing fic is pretty fast, so I've been skewed towards the writing side of things. Of course now I managed to stall out while I was in the middle of three separate wips, so I may be swinging back towards art? But I still don't like how things look when I try to draw, so I'm not sure :P I'm planning to try to draw some TFA art soon, because it should be faster and it should be cartoony, but I'll have to see. The only thing I've done much of lately is a giant Starscream cross-stitch because it's like color-by-numbers embroidery, and takes relatively little mental effort. I want to draw lots of art, because faces and body language are my favorite favorite favorite, but I've also been covering a lot of exciting sexy ground with a giant kink bingo fic collection, and when I slip too hard to one side I can't get myself to focus on the other, so it's a tricky balance!

    To a certain extent, a combiner is their own distinct person! In practice, hm. It's a LITTLE loosely defined. But it seems like when you get a combiner group together that's synced up really well and in tune with each other, that's when you get a stable, independent combiner personality. If you get people who are fighting for control or upset with each other, you get people trying to take charge and drive the robot, and it's all a big mess. When you get a stable combination, sometimes they won't want to un-combine, because then they stop existing. In a lot of ways, it is really like fusion!! I kind of wonder if that was one of the inspirations the SU folks used when they were coming up with ideas. That would make me really, really happy.

    Combiners come up here and there in the IDW phase one comics. There are rumors of combiners existing in the past. Monstructor is a dangerous, violent, unstable medical experiment who sometimes pops up. And for a while, the Constructicons (Devastator) are the only naturally existing combiner team out there. The exRiD series in phase two does a lot more with combiners. I don't want to go into too much detail, because talking about combiners means talking about SO many people, and it's all a huge mess, but it eventually becomes a central plot element. I have mixed feelings about that part of the series. I don't think it's bad, but it's not nearly as good as mtmte (but being as good as mtmte is a LOT to ask of a series). They do some interesting stuff with it!

    The background guys!! Okay, so I think that so far you haven't sampled any continuities where this comes up, but awright. So classic Soundwave transformers into a cassette player. Those little guys are his cassettes. The lineup varies, but core of the team is... probably Ravage (kittycat), Laserbeak and Buzzsaw (birds), and Frenzy and Rumble (humanoid). The way this works is different between continuities. In the eighties cartoon, they were just naturally cassette-like. Soundwave's creation in TFA is a bit unusual, and I... can't remember if the cassettes were actually a thing there? In TFP, the only one you see is Laserbeak, who's just a drone (the one attached to his chest) instead of being an independent person. And in IDW, the cassettes were independent cybertronians who were medically modified to be compatible with Soundwave.

    OH, also, here's the Bayverse Ravage. One of the other few design choices I really, really like. In some continuities the beast-type cassettes can talk and in some they can't. But apparently supplemental material for the Bayverse movies says that everyone thinks Ravage can't talk, but secretly he just thinks they're all assholes, so he only talks to Soundwave. I love that.


    Soundwave's an intelligence/communications type, and he's often big on the spying thing, so I think the way they dock inside him is usually justified as being for data transfer (and protection, because the cassettes are smol and precious). In the eighties cartoon, there's also an Autobot, Blaster, who does the same thing with his own cassettes, but in every other continuity I've consumed, Soundwave is the only one we see who acts as a carrier model.

    SORRY, that was a big digression. In that picture, Jazz is Soundwave's slave, but Soundwave and his cassettes are basically a giant found family! You've got Soundwave and his five cassettes living together, and like... I don't want to write three more paragraphs explaining, but it's a very intimate family, where they share experiences and emotions over their data links, and Soundwave is programmed to love and protect his cassettes, and the cassettes are programmed to love and need him. Jazz is a very irreverent, dangerous ex-fighter, who was badly abused by his previous owner (Soundwave genuinely cares for Jazz but is basically trying to train Jazz to love him because Soundwave is really bad at people and boundaries), and one of the ways they bond is playing robochess. The cassettes are not interested in that game, so they'll either make fun of Jazz and Soundwave for enjoying it, or if they had to pick a side, they'd totally cheer for Soundwave to win. (or at least, that would have been the case before? I'm not sure now. all of them are falling in love with Jazz as Soundwave does, and even though Jazz is fighting to hold on to the last shreds of his independence, he's totally falling in love with everyone in the family too)

    ROBOT PORN! Okay, so as far as I can tell, robot porn comes in three main flavors: valveplug (basically dick+vagina combo xeno, a lot like homestuck, just usually without tentacledicks), plug and play (basically data transfer as sex), and wireplay (basically getting under someone's plating and directly stimulating sensor wires and such). There's also sparkplay, which involves touching sparks, touching the other person's spark, etc., though that can show up in any of the other flavors of porn.

    Valveplug is pretty straightforward, just with a new set of xeno terms for everyone's anatomy. Dicks are spikes, vaginas are valves, and clits are nodes. Instead of having sex, people interface, and instead of orgasming, they overload. Usually the robocrotches look like they do in the comic, until the person's plating retracts and their spike pressurizes. Sometimes you run into ass aft sex too, even though there is really no reason for robots to have assholes, mostly people just have a whole lot of fun with whatever they can think up! There's usually fluids of some kind involved, which may be called lubricant or transfluid, and may come from whatever part of the anatomy the person making the porn wants. Sometimes you get interesting extra touches, like sometimes robots have a ceiling node inside their valve, which gets stimulated when someone is filling you alllllll the way :3 Or, one of my favorites that I've mostly seen from one porn author (enfilade, though her writing is very heavy on spoilers for the comics), where there's a data jack on the tip of your spike and inside your valve, and if someone jacks into you when you're interfacing, they can upload data (memories) directly into your processor.

    But usually, when you see the data transfer, it's plug and play. That's pretty straightforward (and also upsettingly rare?). Using some kind of built-in cable and port, the robots jack into each other and share... something! It can be physically euphoric or it can be more mental/emotional. When I wrote it, I had the two characters being basically able to navigate through each other's brains like a computer directory, and experience those memories with the same viewpoint and emotions as the other person did when they lived through it. I love this a lot, because it's so intimate. I had a solid story-based reason to write my one plug and play story, but I really want to start coming up with fluffy nothing excuses to write it.

    And finally, wireplay! I'll be honest, I haven't seen much of this. Valveplug dominates the physical porn front, at least in current fandom. Okay, so the idea is that for a robot to be able to move, there have to be gaps in their armor plating. And if you can get a finger (or tongue) in there and stimulate the wires and such, it feels really nice. In a lot of ways, it's kind of like porn without genitals? I'm going to mostly be referencing TGWP, the fic applechime dragged us to hell with. But awright, so you start from scratch with touching and kisses at sensitive parts on someone's body. So the underside of Jazz's bumper and his headlights are especially sensitive, though any kind of sensual touch on less-exciting body parts works too. As you get aroused, your armor kind of fans out, not too much, but enough to give your partner easier access to the wires inside your joints, giving them more room to work with, more things to touch. As you keep getting aroused, you start running hot, electrical charge builds in you, and if your partner is in a similar state, you'll get little tiny bits of charge going back and forth between you. But when you hit overload, you vent all that extra charge. Which feels exciting if you're with a partner who you want to sleep with, and feels less exciting if Megatron knows you don't want to be there and is holding your face right against his hip joint so you don't pull away. It's kind of a shame it's so rare, because it can be really hot. One of the most erotic moments in TGWP was just one person on his knees in front of the other, only using his mouth on his partner's wrist joint. It was so, so hot.

    There are other interesting things you can do too. I mentioned sparkplay up above, which can be either physically overwhelming, or just an intimate gesture of ultimate trust. Or sometimes you get sparkbonding, which is when two mechs who love each other very, very much touch sparks and like... it's a temporary merge, but also you keep a part of them inside you. There's variety in how authors treat this, but it's SO intimate and cool. Another thing you see sometimes is 'teeking,' when mechs can sense each other's emotions by brushing their EM fields against each other. I haven't done anything with that myself, but I definitely want to.

    FWOO. Okay. I think that's most of the basics? If I've missed anything big, people can feel free to ping me, and it will take like NO effort to persuade me to sperg out more.

    He does play a smaller role! I wouldn't necessarily call him a minor character, and he does stick around (by god does he stick around), but he's much less important to the plot. And he's... kinda bland compared to the other versions. He's not as effective or dangerous as TFP, and he's not as hilarious or screechy as G1, so it's kinda ehhh. He's okay! But he just doesn't make too much impression on me :P

    Oh man, when I started following her videos, that was one of the most recent ones. So I was aware of it for years and didn't care about any of the deaths at all! Wheeljack died in the opening scene? Who cares!! Who's Wheeljack? And then I went and watched it again recently and it was SUCH an emotional roller coaster. Noooo Ratchet you can't kill Ratchet stop stop stop. Is that Kup?? THAT'S KUP!!! HEY BB HOW U DOING???? Springer too?? BLURR???? Don't make fun of the way Blurr talks, he's perfect the way he is. And Rodimus??? WHAT FRESH HEAVEN IS THIS??? Except then yes, also, everyone is soooo so so dead.

    Oh! Actually! I don't know where you are in the series, but! Do you remember Wreck-Gar from her review? He was the Eric Idle robot who danced to Weird Al Yankovic. He also gets to show up in TFA! Voiced by Weird Al Yankovic. I love him a lot :') know, that sounds creepily familiar, though I can't place it right now

    Now, unfortunately, These Games We Play (Soundwave/Jazz slavery fic) and The Brave Shall Heed The Call (post-finale TFA fic) are both pretty long (edit: I realized I'd never actually put links to these fics I keep talking about :P ). I don't have the word counts at hand, but... yeah, pretty long. I'm in a similar boat with regards to fic-reading spoons, but I downloaded them in case of surprise spoon availability and managed to get lucky! I read TGWP when I was on a weekend trip out west for a friend's wedding, and I read TBSHTC during my downtime when I was at a convention in DC. But other than that, the only longish tf fic I've read was an accident (one weekend I went on a quest for Starscream/Optimus porn, and figured I'd pick the sexy bits out of a long fic, but then I got sucked in by forced breeding and parental emotions and trauma and oh god where did the last three hours go). So I feel you!! No pressure on either of those recs, they're just out there if the urge ever strikes you.

    They've actually been playing even more games with mass displacement lately in the comics!! The miniseries I just finished yesterday had mass displacement as part of a series of confusing plot points (they basically had a base inside of another transformer? the guy was pretty large, sure, but he was also bigger on the inside, I think?). There's a LOT of combiner-related shenanigans going on in exRiD right now, but somebody screwed with a combiner's processor and made things go all wonky with the combiner's control of their own mass displacement. Soundwave shows up in a pre-war flashback as a teeny tiny alien recording device being used to spy on the senate. OH, and there are several robots who transform into cities. They're huge as robots, sure, but I'm pretty sure they're even bigger as cities.
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2016
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  15. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    oh god kiss players...... i think people for the most part just. pretend that kiss players did not happen. pay no attention to the borderline-lolicon manga behind the curtain
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  16. WinkWonk

    WinkWonk 30 Luminous Shark Distresses The Squeamish

    THAT WAS IT! God, I don't even know most of these characters yet but seeing them creep on little human girls still seems so wrong and upsetting - I bet it was even more upsetting for long time fans :c I wouldn't care if this was a doujinshi, but an official manga?

    Anyway, I'll continue watching TFA now! Hopefully I'll be able to finish the first season this evening >:0 Long replies later!
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  17. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

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  18. WinkWonk

    WinkWonk 30 Luminous Shark Distresses The Squeamish

    Yesss, I remember that *o* So sensual and pretty!

    Also, Lugnut and Blitzwing showed up, and Starscream is back! I really really like the decepticon designs and colour schemes, though I'm a little sad to hear that this Starscream iteration isn't quite as fun :c I was looking forward to his antics!
    Oh well, there's still good ol' Meggi. I'm excited to see him in action! HE BIG!
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2016
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  19. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    (Should or should I not plug the 60+ page gdocs RP with IDW!verse OCs here or...? Idk how much context knowledge would be needed to understand MTO dynamics...?) (otoh @WinkWonk mentioned lack of reading spoons)
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  20. WinkWonk

    WinkWonk 30 Luminous Shark Distresses The Squeamish

    I didn't quite take Bulkhead for an artiste, but sure, why not?
    Also, I really need the professor to, like, read more comics or something. I mean, Megatron got red glowy eyes and a deep evil voice and his body has the dang Decepticon emblem on it! Not exactly trustworthy traits, though maybe I'm just being racist against alien robots here >:?
    Anyway, on to the season finale!
    And then I need to hit the hay!
    Yeah, lotsa peeps have been gushing abut it! Unfortunately, I'm probably not gonna get around to reading it anytime soon because serious lack of fic reading spoons, unfortunately ;-;
    Same goes for @IvyLB, I'm sorry :c
    Feel free to link those things here already, though! Sure can't hurt!
    • Like x 3
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