
Discussion in 'Howdy there!' started by rax, Feb 27, 2015.

  1. rax

    rax raxolotls gonna rax a lot

    @bramblepatch Hilariously, I've been following you since before I had a tumblr --- a friend pointed you out to me as a person who said cool enby things and I was like "Wow! Yes!," and I've also really appreciated the stuff you've been saying on this forum. I'm glad you enjoyed the sourcebomb --- it's always surprising what knowledge has and hasn't spread where and I am glad I could help.
  2. bramblepatch

    bramblepatch ground/water dualtype

    :) I am the actual worst at keeping track of sources, which frustrates me to no end - I really admire when people can easily pull relevant writings out rather than just kind of flail around going "I know I read that somewhere :c" the way I generally do.
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