at my summer camp i was actually the One Who Hugged Everyone All The Time which was nice. i dunno if when i start presenting as male better that will still be accepted. also: weirdly enough when i am comfortable that everyone i am speaking to is willing to use The right Pronouns i will act more..."girly" like... non sense words and things. and also i still haven't gotten out of the habit of touching teachers on the shoulder because I did that until 6th grade and it was expected.
had an Internet friend in australia. like four hour window to talk properly because we both have work/school. AMERICA
Yeah, that's the weird part about being trans, isn't it? I know I'm a guy, but I don't know how to act like a guy. :\ It's nice to be around people I don't have to convince of my Awesome Manliness, but still.
Maybe it's just because the female socialisation is still more comfortable to you because it's how you grew up? I don't think that's wrong or bad.
yeah. but it's only when i am in a situation when i'm sure i won't be misgendered for it. plus i do have days where i am half girl half neutral. they're just rare and horrible.
yes. this. though to be fair most of the guys i know are on the slightly more femme side of behaviors So... or they're really flamboyant straight guys. or they're people who were raised to consider gender irrelevant to someone's personality (how did this person's parents pull this off srly?)
Yeah, but I always feel like I need to overcompensate - cis guys can be flamboyant and wear pink and paint their nails, but I need to be so Awesomely Manly that people won't notice the biology. Which doesn't work, because I really am pretty femme; I'd be a stereotypical queer theater kid if I were cis. :P I mean, I'm still a queer theater kid, but... sigh. It's tough to sort out. Seems like there's kind of a difference between... femme behaviors and female behaviors anyway? Like the difference between "tomboy" and "boy"; there are some things that are sex/gender-linked but are generally not seen to imply sex/gender, like wearing pants, and some things that do imply gender to People In General. I don't know, this stuff is hard. =_=
Heh, go for it. I don't remember where I stole it from originally, but I think it conveys the right amount of exasperation.
seriously gender stuff is just... ugh like, yesterday i was like "yeah, i'm a manly man with long hair" and today i was like oh god i look like a girl :'(
Yeah, I went from "I feel awesome and manly" to "oh god I hate everything, the idea of telling my parents is terrifying" in about two hours last night. It pretty much sucks.
*hugs back* :) But hey, we've got forums to complain in, and society's getting better. So things will work out, I think.
they y'all, i found a thing that i think is relevant to this thread's topic: some of the communication types sound similar to what was described in the beginning of this thread. i thought someone might be interested.
Interesting! I'm actually super verbal most of the time, though I've started noticing exactly how much i trip and stumble when I'm in full flood of speech and suddenly a word isn't there, and also how much i can have a really good sentence formed in my head and then fail utterly to reproduce it out loud (though this is usually with something that I thought up well in advance and just wait to have an excuse to use because it's witty or amusing- which means it then fails to be witty or amusing because i mess up the delivery, heh). But 'access to speech but not the words i want to use' definitely sounds similar.
Heh, that's a lot like me. I'm hyperverbal, but still have those things happen. And I've so done the "messing up the delivery" thing so many times ...