WTF Is This is a thread for those moments when you can't help but say exactly that! post a pic, gif, video, or whatever of the thing you just found, and someone else will tell you just exactly what you found. an example exchange could be as follows: Spoiler Q: "I was toodling around the internet and saw this: ‽ wtf is this thing??" A: "thats an interrobang, and its just a ! and a ? combined into one character" or Spoiler Q: "the sun is out but its raining! witchcraft!!!" A: "That's a sunshower!" or maybe Spoiler Q: Spoiler: who is this strange gentleman A: "this fellow is a brown-tail moth caterpillar"
i am good at bugs, not bad at rocks, and hella educated about weather. hit me with your best shots, loves.
oh, also, fiber arts and textiles, including historical and ancient ones. what is this mummy’s wrap embroidered with? i can tell you! no blurry mystery bugs or grainy b&w history photos please, i can’t make bricks without clay.
im pretty decent with certain groupings of mammals (rodents, mustelids, Woodland Friends) and am an Ok Birder (who also knows a top tier birder)
@jacktrash I fully understand if this is impossible to guess off a description, but I saw a bug that reminded me of a silverfish (shiny and silver and with that kind of isopod layered sort of feeling) except dustier and less solid looking. I know that might be impossible, given no pic, but hey worth a shot
mealybug perhaps? i fail at photo cuz tablet and i have to leave for a doc appt like... now. but google and tell me if i’m on the right track.
@jacktrash THANK YOU. I think it's definitely something like this. Someone got rid of the bug before I could properly ID it (u_u), but I think this is definitely something very similar.
Spoiler: Winged bug I like arthropods but am not skilled at identifying them. Anyone know this pretty flying friend? I'm in northern IL for locational info Eta they had a kind of purple-blue iridescence and the yellow miiiiiight be pollen pants, as you can see they are on flowers
compared to the size of the seed heads i think it must be pretty big? is that correct? and did it have a waist? cuz at first glance it looks like some variety of non-asshole wasp. quite a lot of them don’t actually hate you.
oh yeah, this guy was Big. like 1.75 inches? maybe more like 1.5. anyway, pretty sizeable compared to most things i see on flowers. I'm pretty sure they had a pretty significant waist, which did make me think some sort of hymenopteran
I have a few stones I could use help identifying! I thiiiiink the green and red one is bloodstone, but I’m not positive? No clue about the other two, though.
A less blurry pic could help? The greenish one looks like a familiar type but I have no idea what it'd be called. The white one could maybe be riverbed quartz? The black one is the blurriest but what I can see of it doesn't look familiar.
I can try to get a better pic, yeah! I should also note that the black one has pink spots. The lighting is bad, but they’re quite distinctly pink IRL.
ok, that being the case, and based on the head shape and dark tinted wings, i’m gonna go with orgichneumon wasp. they live under pine bark and aren’t aggressive.,ichneumonini you might find him on this page. (bc of lack of ovipositor i’m calling male.)
this odd little ceramic electric thing in the thrift store. Revlon makes me think it has to do with makeup but, plug in?? holes in the top???
@Acey the white one looks like agate! there are like a million types of agate but it tends to have that stripey ring pattern for the other two, I would guess unakite jasper for the green and rhodonite for the black!
I think you’re right about those last two at least, those look pretty identical to the ones I have IRL! The thing about the white one that’s confusing to me is the gold inclusion thing? Does that occur in agates?
is it actual gold/metallic stuff, or just gold-colored? it's hard to tell from the photo. they look like rough spots that were too recessed for the tumbler to quite reach, like a few of these stones: rough agate can have a pretty pitted/bumpy surface, so that tends to happen sometimes. I think it adds character! I love agate and jasper - such an amazing variety of color and pattern from something that's basically just fancy quartz.