My dad dug up the rhubarb plant because "No one [in this family] likes rhubarb." Spoilers: everyone else in the family likes rhubarb. It's a great addition to applesauce.
Just seen on Reddit: "Try crushing [dry ramen] up, and sprinkling it on a salad. Yum!" "Yes, LOVE doing that, and making dressing using the seasoning packet: add orange juice, vegetable oil, rice wine vinegar, water, and a dash of sriracha." ... ORANGE JUICE?
Oh, yeah, I didn't think of the spicy kind (edit: and they did mention sriracha). I kinda want to try it now, but I don't drink orange juice otherwise so it might be kind of a waste.
I wonder if changing the vegetable oil with sesame and leaving out the sriracha would be negative or just different. Mostly sounds good, but vegetable oil is bland and I just don't like sriracha that much. Alternately, subbing out the sriracha and the vegetable oil for chili oil might be a fair trade.
that brief thing about milk/chocolate milk in Bad Opinions got me remembering orange milk like, was that anywhere else, or were we just cursed because of the Broncos? it had the mascot on it and everything that shit was bizarre. I don't remember how it tasted, but it must have been gross someone please confirm that they've seen/had it too. eta: the only place I ever saw it was in elementary school, so it was probably served horribly warm too.
orange milk as in orange juice and milk? thats a thing. i forget where it comes from and what its originally called, but it is a thing. definitely an aquired taste though XP
I don't think it was mixed, though. just orange-flavored? sincerely doubt a real orange ever got within a mile of the stuff
i just recently learned about soy sauce on fried eggs. it's so good, it perfectly cuts away this flavor that usually makes me hate fried eggs, and it's a great complement also, salt and mustard on medium boiled eggs
i would try it if it tasted anything like creamsycles....and like it but be ashamed of it -hides her orange milk cartons behind spinach or something in the fridge-
Olives and chocolate. Or, more specifically, olive bread and homemade chocolate spread. I am pleasantly surprised by the deliciousness.