
Discussion in 'Howdy there!' started by Nova_Scotia, Oct 9, 2016.

  1. Nova_Scotia

    Nova_Scotia Member

    hello everyone! so who wants to talk to me?
  2. a small fis)(

    a small fis)( 26 people in a trench coat

    shello!!! c:
    here's a welcome cuttle~
    • Like x 2
  3. Everett

    Everett local rats so small, so tiny

    :0 the entire province of NS! amaze

    j/k hi hello whats up and what is your favourite type of dog
  4. iff

    iff Well-Known Member

    hi! if you want to chat with people, I know there's a kintsugi skype chat, you can post a request here to get added if you want?
    also, do you have a pet? :3
  5. Nova_Scotia

    Nova_Scotia Member

    i do have a pet and i dont have a skype (yet)
  6. iff

    iff Well-Known Member

  7. Nova_Scotia

    Nova_Scotia Member

  8. Nova_Scotia

    Nova_Scotia Member

    i do have a skype, but I'd like to get to know you more before we do a video chat if thats ok
  9. Nova_Scotia

    Nova_Scotia Member

  10. kmoss

    kmoss whoops

    I know that usually the skype chats are Not video chats, since we all have differing abilities to deal with videos, if that helps
  11. Nova_Scotia

    Nova_Scotia Member

    fair enough
  12. iff

    iff Well-Known Member

    Yeah it's text group chats I'm pretty sure? I'm not in them
  13. Nova_Scotia

    Nova_Scotia Member

    oh i see
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