hoo boy how the hell do introductions work

Discussion in 'Howdy there!' started by Salted Earth, Jun 15, 2016.

  1. Salted Earth


    Hi! I joined your thing because, like, it seems to have a different sort of feel to a lot of the support forums for abuse/mental illness I've found and the typical feel of those forums does... not actually do much for me? I am sure they are very helpful for a lot of people but I usually fall off of them very quickly because it is just not my style of communication. I hope it's okay for me to just intrude to talk about heavy shit and maybe hopefully also form loose associations, like - I've been passively reading Seeb's tumblr for a while because of Helpful Words but I haven't really participated ever. So I am. Kind of an outsider here!!

    I don't want to share my name or known aliases so I just called myself after the thing which my parents basically did to me. Uh. I guess I should list some of the things I might end up talking about - I've always felt uncomfortable listing things in tumblr bios but somehow it seems different when on a more personal forum. So. I've been in the psychiatric system for over a decade and have a shitload of diagnoses because of it, none of them actually cover all or even most of what I experience because I am an outlier adn should not have been counted, the most applicable are severe social anxiety and chronic depression and adhd. There are some Other Things which I may or may not disclose depending on how I get a feel for the place. (Tumblr ruined some of the things I experience in the eyes of people who don't experience them and I don't want you guys to look down on me from the word go!!) I survived a shitload of child abuse and otherwise toxic behavior and I'm still trying to untangle it all years later, but I got out and am now in a Safe Place, hence trying to untangle it.

    Other things about me which are not super depressing: I have two cats and I'm their main caretaker, I roleplay a bunch and in fact it probably taught me how to be a human better than my parents did, my favorite video games are RPGS, I am big into passively enjoying fandom but am a little too scared to put out many fanworks of my own. I'm an adult in their 20s. I haven't quite figured out how gender works yet but I'm super bi and somewhere on the asexuality spectrum too. For the homestucks: I am totally a Sylph of Heart. (Classpecting is just a Fun Activity though, I don't take it super seriously, it's like figuring out what Hogwarts house you'd be in. (Hufflepuff, by the way!))

    okay now please don't eat me i don't taste good :'(
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  2. Lissa Lysik'an

    Lissa Lysik'an Dragon-loving Faerie

    Welcome! And we don't eat people without their consent. (Pardon the occasional lick for taste, please.)
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  3. Sol

    Sol needs a coffee

    hi there! don't feel like you need to share anything you're not comfortable with it's super chill here.

    except pictures of the kitties you should probably share pictures of the kitties.
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  4. Salted Earth



    This is W., who loves to sleep on my hands, especially when I'm trying to type, and this is G., who is a lot more jumpy but who comes and chills out next to me sometimes anyway. (Cat names redacted because I talk about them elsewhere and I'm trying to at least try to be anonymous.) They're both beautiful girls! Bonus group shot: Cat tower!

    (edit: and thank you for the welcomes! Sorry I got distracted with CAT PICTURES)
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2016
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  5. IndigoRiffRaff


    Greetings! Your kitties are indeed beautiful, please tell them I said hi. (we all get pretty excited about kitties around here)
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  6. Sol

    Sol needs a coffee

    EXCELLENT. tell both the kitties they are good pls thank u
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  7. Salted Earth


    I will absolutely tell these kitties they are Good and that you folks say hi!! (I'm glad you get excited about kitties because boy howdy I am enthusiastic about cats.)
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  8. Sol

    Sol needs a coffee

    • Like x 3
  9. Salted Earth


    Thank you!!! Those are all EXCELLENT PETS this is a Good Thread.
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  10. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+

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  11. Erica

    Erica occasionally vaguely like a person

    oh man those are some quality kitties a+

    hello and welcome, hope you'll like the forum! :)
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  12. Everett

    Everett local rats so small, so tiny

    :toot: welcome!

    loose associations are totally a thing here, it's cool to just do whatever you're comfortable with, i think? you can make a thread for brainstuff or for talking-about-things-wot-happened. also people seem to be good about respecting stated preferences for whether or not a person is okay with feedback or just wants to get stuff off their mind and not discuss it with others.

    also there are subaccounts which can be good if you want to talk about a thing but arent sure if you want to connect it to your username.

    also welcome to your good and excellent cats
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  13. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    hello, new friend!!!! i hope you find the forum useful and helpful to your recovery!!

    also. also also. i love your cattos. i love them. please boop their snoots for me? i would really appreciate it
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  14. Salted Earth


    Thank you!! Applechime I am happy to report that I have BOOPLED their SNOOTLES and they were receptive to scritches thereafter. It was a boop+scritch combo. None survived.

    Also, how do subaccounts work? I've seen reference to them here and there but I haven't yet come across the documentation for them. They sound pretty handy!
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  15. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    for sub-accounts what you gotta do is go to your account drop down menu at the top, and the sub-account option is at the bottom of the first column! click that and you can make an account that's connected to your main one, but appears to be a brand new one! it is handy.

    also: thank you for the 2x boop-scritch combo!!! i can now rest easy knowing that the snoots did not go unbooped.
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  16. Deresto

    Deresto Wumbologist

    hi! what are some of your favorite video games?
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  17. NevermorePoe

    NevermorePoe Nevermore

    Hey, nice to see you here! Your cats are amazing! Welcome fellow hufflepuff!
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  18. kmoss

    kmoss whoops

    well done, you've won over at least 98% of the entire kintsugi population already.

    i think the thing that's nice about this forum is that i can have a really really bad day, write about it, do some venting, get some advice, and maybe three seconds later be catching up on the latest boat trolls shenanigans, or what new levels of horror the pun thread has been up to, or looking at the happy spam thread

    which is nice
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  19. Salted Earth


    Thanks for the HOT DEETS about subaccount info!

    As for video games: It's gonna sound stereotypical but my favourite RPG series is the one I was first introduced to, Final Fantasy - like, 9 was the first game I played and it is still EASILY my favourite. (6 takes second place, Tactics takes third.) I also feel that they knocked it outta the park with Chrono Trigger! Most recently, my favourite RPG has to be Undertale, which I managed to play when it first came out before there were spoilers everywhere and which hit me incredibly hard because of it. I also like the Dragon Age series (though I still haven't quite finished Inquisition), and I like what I've seen of Mass Effect but I still haven't finished the first game because I am Terrible At Playing New Things. (Which is probably why the familiarity of Final Fantasy itches my spots, come to think of it.) Icewind Dale II is one of my favourite classic PC RPGs even if it's kind of light on the actual roleplaying; tragically I've never actually finished Baldur's Gate but I enjoy starting new games every so often anyway. In that vein, Pillars of Eternity is also Real Good! Child of Light made me really happy and I was INCREDIBLY DISAPPOINTED that it was as short as it was. The Fallout series is another favourite, and I've poured way too much time into Skyrim as far as TES goes, I keep meaning to play the earlier games but I just never get around to it. And... and then there are non-RPG favourites but I'm gonna leave those to the imagination for now because wow this is a Long List.
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  20. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake


    (I'm a Sylph of Mind myself but STILL)

    Welcome to Kintsugi! I hope you like it here. :D There's a lot more here than just Advice And Venting--there's an actual community and lots of stuff that's more lighthearted, which I personally find helpful. It's nice to just kick back and chat about fandoms and cute animals and other good things sometimes. :3

    Also, your icon is excellent--SU is a Quality Show and I love it. *gestures to own icon*

    PS: Your kitties are A++ Good Cats and they look very fluffy and pettable, please pet them for me!
    • Like x 2
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