Hi folks! It is me again! Back with a janky PC to attempt a BIGGER, WEIRDER, MORE MAGIC-EXPLOSION-HAVING Dragon Age LP! (See, I wasn't kidding about the magic explosions. Anders schmanders, this one is Potentially Way Worse.) Okay, let's see, character creation options. We got: Humans! Pointy humans! Beardy humans! Horny humans! And ladies also! (Put a shirt on, female elf and qunari cards, please, we are in the mountains) Aaaand classes: Stabbing! Shooting! Big stabbing! Being a wall! And magic missiles! I would have a poll but there are.. accounting for the fact that dwarves can't be mages.. 38 options, so I think just talking it out might work better. Here are some factors that might influence our decision: Elves and mages have, imo, the most plot hooks because Bioware loves elves and mages. On the other hand, I played an elf mage and might like to mix it up. There are two romance options who are female only with no additional restrictions, one who is only okay with female elves and humans, one additional one who's female *elf* only, two who are male-only and two who are equal opportunity. I've played Bull and Josie's romances and would rather try a different one, but am okay with whatever. I'm bad at this game and will probably play it on easy or normal regardless of the class we pick. Thoughts?
Also, while I am here! Because Inquisition has a bigger... possibility space for what kind of character you can play, and the dialogue options aren't color-coded ala Hawke, I would like to encourage roleplay-based choices as much as I can. For now the only idea I have on how to do that is... if you have thoughts about how the Inquisitor is feeling about a choice, say so! If you have some headcanon about em, sing out! Let's Build A Character Together(tm)
starting a new game did you mean "spend 20 hours creating a dozen different characters, indecisive about which one to actually play through the game"
firstly i vote mage, secondly i vote... qunari? because that seems interesting. gender... i'm voting male, so we can romance Spoiler dorian c:
Ooh, question! I couldn't find a poly mod for DA2 but there are definitely some good ones for inquisition, should I download that? And if we do play a lady should I download the bi Cass mod/bi Cullen if we play a guy?
I have heard it said that making Cassandra straight was the biggest mistake Bioware ever made. :::PPP
Aaand I realized I should ask this *before* I do character creation so that I don't have to leave it hanging there: What should we name our darling brick wall of a Qunari mage lady? Wren Two? (That's silly, help me come up with something better.) edit: omg... what about lark. jay would also be cute.
Hermia? (Honestly mostly because hermia's main physical trait is that she's very short. And qunari are not. That's pretty much my whole reasoning.) Or maybe Melissa? Robin?
@rats and I were looking at a list of bird-related names and she helpfully pointed out that apparently "arnold" means "eagle power" hi friends did you know that that "arnold" means "eagle power"