Shitposting Rave OOC

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by swirlingflight, Aug 19, 2016.

  1. Codeless

    Codeless Cheshire Cat

    Sprocket means "if you don´t like it being done to you, don´t do it to us"
  2. cleverThylacine

    cleverThylacine cuddles for the weird and the fierce

    Differences between @Valiska Pines and @Lissa Beijada-Pines
    (for your reference)

    Genetically, they're the same, but they've had different life experiences and a lot of things that are controlled by epigenetics (both in utero and in childhood) and by the way they have lived are very different. While they're not so different that it would be weird for people to mistake them from each other once in a while, it should probably not happen as much as it does.

    Obvious things:

    They're the same height, but Lissa is much curvier and will continue to be so even after Valiska's pregnancy because not only has she had a normal hormonal balance most of her life, she also eats a lot (and won't forget when she's doing research unless it's very engaging indeed). She has a thicker layer of fat even though they both have a lot of muscle under it. Frankly her level of gluttony would probably result in her being much heavier than she is except that she also gets a lot of physical exercise in her life of dancing, dance magic, frequent sex, hunting, and the occasional boss fight.

    CORRECTION: I was recently reminded that Valiska is a couple inches shorter than she ought to be, so Lissa is actually about 2 inches taller. I still think the difference in build is more noticeable than the difference in height, partially because Valiska has big hair.

    Lissa does not have as much hair. In SPR, Valiska's dreamself has even more hair than she does in WT which is her IRL. In WT there's a lot of hair, but not so much that she can't braid it and pin it to keep it out of the way in the lab or when sparring/prepared for a fight; in SPR she's got that trailing-the-ground thing going, whereas Lissa's hair is bra-length at best. Also, Lissa doesn't wear tiny braids in her hair to denote various relationships and commitments.

    Valiska likes long, flowing, elegant and embellished but comfortable clothing when she's not working in the lab or prepared for a fight. She lives on Pennarion and dresses with her own unique style, but it's within the bounds of what Talassani women usually wear.

    Lissa lives in Gravity Falls and frequently wears tank tops and cutoffs and really short dresses.

    Unlike Valiska, Lissa has almost no tats; even under the drapey layers, you can see that Valiska's arms and upper torso, at least, have a lot of stylised magical symbology on them, and she has a sleeve of roses and thorns on one arm.

    In other words: you can tell they're related. But while they're genetically far more similar than fraternal twins Stan and Ford, they look less alike. (If you've seen Orphan Black, consider whether you'd mistake the clones for each other as much as people do Lissa and Vali.)

    Not so obvious things:

    Lissa doesn't so much hide her brains as not discuss nerdy topics with people who aren't also nerds, so while she is just as smart as Valiska (if mostly self-educated and not a university professor), she doesn't talk like a nerd.

    They are actually both really cuddly and physically affectionate people, but Valiska is only like that with her family and close friends and not.

    Reverse Ford and Lissa are pansexual swingers and chaos magicians; they're really not very shy about that, but you knew that already. :) (@the author speaks is panromantic and has a xenokink a mile wide, though he's demisexual and doesn't get attracted to people until he can honestly fall in love with their brains; however @Valiska Pines does not seem to feel much attraction for women and doesn't know what it is when she does.)
    Last edited: May 3, 2017
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  3. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    I feel like yall deserve to know capital F Wingding (first letter) renders as a white flag on my phone
    This seems appropriate
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  4. TwoBrokenMirrors

    TwoBrokenMirrors onion hydration

    It's actually a capital O since it's not 'fine' it's 'okay' but for some reason I wrote the wrong word-
    but still apt. xP
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  5. Lazarae

    Lazarae The tide pod of art

    Since it's been a while since she was introduced and there are new players (and I know Harvey wasn't around for it), this is what Dave's talking to:

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  6. artistformerlyknownasdave

    artistformerlyknownasdave revenge of ricky schrödinger

    TY LAZ <3
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  7. cleverThylacine

    cleverThylacine cuddles for the weird and the fierce

    try 60 + :-p
  8. cleverThylacine

    cleverThylacine cuddles for the weird and the fierce

    You're Burlesque? <33333333333333333333333333333333333333
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  9. cleverThylacine

    cleverThylacine cuddles for the weird and the fierce

    OK so you guys probably aren't really prepared for this but...I tried to explain them all and realised I'd be up till 3 AM so I'm just giving you a list of account names.

    Most of these are primarily Weirdmageddon Tango characters/NPCs but a surprisingly large number of them pop into the SPR.

    @Agent Dale Cooper (Twin Peaks, WT continuity)
    @Akallabeth (Akallabeth Sancyr, WT character)
    @anticlimactic Tesseract (Silima Vesant, jadeblood genderswapped Stanley Pines, shows up in WT but intended for another RP)
    @antinomianAnomaly (Farrat Noctua, jadeblood mutant Stanford Pines, shows up in WT but intended for another RP)
    @Barbara Coulson (WT character)
    @Becquerel (Homestuck, WT continuity)
    @Bianca (WT character; a leucistic thylacine)
    @Cordelia Pines (WT character; a thylacine)
    @Dali Langrael (WT character)
    @Dassoulia Beijada (WT character)
    @Dipper Pines (Gravity Falls, WT continuity)
    @Dracaena (Lightningwar, WT continuity)
    @dumb things forever (Stanley Pines, Gravity Falls, WT continuity)
    @Erzuly Nerada (fantroll, WT continuity; sufferist fishtroll, actually NOT Loreli's friend yet)
    @Fairlight (Jonathan Fairlight Gracen, Profit OC, WT continuity)
    @Fiddleford McGucket (Gravity Falls, WT continuity)
    @Flying Ace Clarissa (Clarissa Profit, Profit OC, WT continuity)
    @Gail Koner (Profit, WT continuity)
    @Getheny (Getheny Devatke) (WT character)
    @Gwendolyn Northwest (Reverse Wendy Corduroy, WT continuity)
    @Ilisidi of Malguri (Foreigner universe, showed up once in SPR and left)
    @Imrat Feijiura (WT character)
    @Jacob Harley (Jake English, Homestuck, WT continuity)
    @Jade Harley (Homestuck, WT continuity)
    @Jezebel Pines (Reverse Julissa Beijada, WT continuity)
    @Jim Gracen (Jim Profit--now married to @Fairlight, Profit, WT continuity)
    @Julissa Vigenere (Julissa Beijada, WT character)
    @Kalinthy Siavarden (WT character)
    @Kellary (Kellary Gethenke, WT character)
    @KnittinKittin (Pamela Hauser, from Ravelry, WT character; got in trouble w/US govt looking for @Mabel Pines after the kid went two whole weeks without posting a new sweater)
    @la belle indifference (Belle Cipher, WT character)
    @Lissa Beijada-Pines (Reverse Valiska Pines, WT character)
    @love under will (Will Cipher - Reverse Bill Cipher, WT continuity)
    @M. Alexandria Pines ("Alex" Reverse Mabel Pines, WT continuity)
    @Mabel Pines (Gravity Falls, WT continuity)
    @Makarya Kratal (WT character)
    @Mason R. Pines (Reverse Dipper Pines, WT continuity)
    @Merrick (NOT the Anne Rice character - a male WT character who is a veterinarian)
    @Meyron Arslany (WT character)
    @Miravai Maratke (WT character)
    @Moraga Ksenet (fantroll, WT continuity; indigo who left the clown cult for Sufferism)
    @Paz Malfoy (Pacifica Northwest post name change, Gravity Falls, WT continuity)
    @Qihanna Verraj' (WT character)
    @Raizel (OC-fied mother of Stan and Ford Pines, Gravity Falls, WT continuity)
    @Rarity (a pony, only shows up in SPR so far)
    @Shin and Lukat (Shin and Lukat Hargraeven, toddler WT characters)
    @Stanford G. Pines (Reverse Ford Pines, WT continuity)
    @Sunshine (Sunshine Daydream/Tyrion Atbash, Orion, fantroll, WT continuity)
    @Tainell Asturien (WT character)
    @Tamika Flynn (Night Vale, WT continuity)
    @Tanaquil (Fiddleford McGucket's "raccoon wife", Gravity Falls, WT continuity)
    @Teleny Maratke (WT character)
    @the author speaks (Stanford Pines, Gravity Falls, WT continuity; the original Kintsugi Stanford Pines, accept no substitutes :p)
    @the bill of wrongs (Bill Cipher, Gravity Falls, WT continuity)
    @The Thylacine Army (Aral, Jasper, Cinnamon, Manya, Tyrone, Osmium, Cherri and Siahar, all thylacine WT characters)
    @Tisseira Verraj' (WT character)
    @Tisselen (WT character)
    @Valiska Pines (WT character)
    @Watermelon Tourmaline (fangem/gemsona, WT continuity)
    @Wendy Corduroy (Gravity Falls, WT continuity)

    There's also @cT's NPCs which I think is kind of self explanatory
    Last edited: May 4, 2017
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  10. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

    Are we listing accounts? Ok then. I'll subdivide by fandom I guess. If an AU version of a character I'll make a note on that in parentheses.

    @The Handmaid
    @The Alkahest (blue blooded handmaid)
    @The Dolorosa
    @The Marquise
    @Porrim Maryam
    @Kanaya Maryam (transman kanaya)
    @Aranea Serket

    @Jamethiel Oddclaw (twinswap AU)
    @Jamethiel Talissen (star wars AU)
    @Seámaétiél nic Ghainth (irish myth AU)
    @Torisen Black Lord
    @Torisen Dreamwalker (twinswap AU)
    @Torisen Talissen (star wars AU)
    @Bei Heihe (sutra stories AU)
    @Dear uncle Greshan (twinswap AU)
    @Lyra Lackwit (either canon or twinswap AU)
    @A Six Legged Terror (star wars AU)
    @Brenwyr of Brandan


    Night in the Woods
    @Mae Borowski

    Dragon Age

    @Xiaohe (sutra stories character)
    @Abhaya Sigali (sutra stories character)
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  11. Lazarae

    Lazarae The tide pod of art

    I kind of like guessing (and, admittedly, making people guess) but if we're doing the thing then may as well.

    All OCs, grouped by universe. With a separate section for The Lavernas, but the original Lav is also in her proper universe.

    "Like an Onion, with Buoyancy" (orphaned RP characters, formerly modern Lovecraft, moved to Chzo Mythos, now original)
    @Aveira 'Venena' DeCalix
    @Valentin Mikhael Bohd

    Last Story Ever/Ragged (original):
    @Blood of the Star
    @Feinted F8
    @Terrence the Vampire

    Ten Minutes to Midnight (original):
    @Burning Girl
    @Wings and Ash

    Rifts Tabletop RPG:
    @Moirana of Clan Aerihman
    @OP 13
    @Circuit Head-Trip (Alternate timeline, older Static/@OP 13)
    @The Behemoth Crew
    @Lyra Rose
    @Like a Wave

    Unnamed proto-cyberpunk thing (original):

    Thalassani (cT's cattes):
    @Nilima Mis'rath
    @Saveneia Vissiakana

    Project Zomboid:

    Something that'll probably happen if she ever fuckin told me anything:

    The Bar, also untitled thing I never wrote down:
    @Riya and Remi

    Decaying Among the Hopeful (original):
    @The Mordaunt Twins

    Hostile Tongues and Enemy Mouths (original):
    @Silver Gold Iron
    @The Spirit-Touched
    @The Unspoken Lady
    @Truth in the Mirror

    @The Spirit-Touched - the Original! Ironically, never goes by Laverna. It's straight shit-flip trigger to ever call her that.
    @The Unspoken Lady - Terrifying Death Goddess!Laverna
    @Lady Seddon - Victorian assassin/vampire hunter!Laverna
    @Poisoned Silk - Demon!Laverna
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  12. artistformerlyknownasdave

    artistformerlyknownasdave revenge of ricky schrödinger

    the conversation about the brother who looked like dave made me realize i should...probably explain in detail what my guys look like, eheheh ;p

    dave's about 5'10 so average height for a cis dude, whiter'n a slice of wonderbread (if you want to get specific he's biracial because my roxy isn't white, but he's a white-passing dude raised by a white dude. he simultaneously is bummed he didn't know about that part of himself and feels like he can't claim it, because dave is insecurities) and is very freckly. he's a redhead, about this shade, and his build is muscular but still pretty slender. a textbook twunk, if you will
    here's a link to my beta kids headcanons, so a visual reference for what he looks like
    and i know his icon has him in the god tier jammies and i mention them a lot, but most of the time he's probably in (skinny) jeans and a t-shirt 'cause he's a postgame dave. that or one of the suits

    karkat is 5'5ish without the horns (5'7 or so with them) and Very Square. he's pretty stocky, but definitely has muscle underneath the soft. he might not be the best at fighting, but if he decides he isn't moving and you're not like...equius, he's not fucking moving. his eyes are fully filled in with bright-ass mutant red and he doesn't wear contacts, but his sweater is still hemoanon. hair is an affront to god, but that's pretty much just canon
    he wears sweatpants, not jeans, uhh lessee... big eyebrows, big nose, very expressive. where dave's more conventionally "hot" karkat is cute, but if you call him that he'll rip out your lungs and serve them to you as a gourmet meal
    he still has an overbite because dentists are the devil, nails are sharp and pointed claws 'cause i love that headcanon. i don't have a headcanon post for him yet but here is a link to my karkat tag on my art blog if you feel inclined to poking around in there
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  13. Lazarae

    Lazarae The tide pod of art

    It was like 98% red eyes and bearing, which is why she let the memory bit 'slip'. The Ash King was very Knighty before they went god.

    Still kind of is, but Unspoken sees less of it because she and the others have stopped getting along. Also he's letting her deal with the Sleeping Evil in the abyss, because the area near true-abyss is hers and he's 'busy' doing all his other god things- he's got other things to protect their people from! But Unspoken's all "um, if I stop holding this thing back it's going to eat everyone, do yer fuckin job"
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  14. artistformerlyknownasdave

    artistformerlyknownasdave revenge of ricky schrödinger

    yeah he still seems Very Similar to dave i think, sorry if that sounded like i was mad!! it also just reminded me "oh shit i'm using the default aracial icon" eheheh
  15. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    There's literal thankful tears in my eyes you like ginger dave someone else likes ginger dave thank unicron and all his little horrorterrors
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  16. Lazarae

    Lazarae The tide pod of art

    Nah I was just clarifying! And also the similarities are kind of a nod to Hemostuck, because while I was working on the pantheon I noticed a handful of the colors mapped really well? And Laverna already existed, who'd taken a lot from Rose once I got into Homestuck, so I cut it down to 5 gods instead of one for each Color and left in little nods.
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  17. artistformerlyknownasdave

    artistformerlyknownasdave revenge of ricky schrödinger

    i will be the ginger dave i want to see in the world
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  18. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    I know i mentioned it in the character line up, buuut just to be completely clear, every different formatting means it's a different voice used. If it's a voice that's potentially recognizable it's gonna be in color and I'll try to clarify who it is!
  19. TheOwlet

    TheOwlet A feathered pillow filled with salt and science

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  20. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    he is my beautiful child, my precious son, my awful ceilingdwelling bug baby.
    Ceiling Reffy is watching you
    Wait no that's Scanner. Scanner is the one who knows all ur secrets and sits in the vents like the social-phobic asshole gremlin he is.
    • Agree x 5
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