Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by itsAlana, Aug 28, 2015.

  1. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    Ohhhhhhh i love it
    if we go really technical, then by IDW rules a carrier who has flight kibble would likely be a tripleformer just because "Cassette carrier" and "flight altmode" so far seem to be mutually exclusive? But then the gradn cybertronian taxonomy is a vast wasteland of information xP
    pssssst your carrier should meet. My terrible darling symbiont hoarder outlier carrier who may actually be the reincarnation of a deity.
    I should.... explain Armory, probably.

    SO! in case you didn't know, the Dramatis Transformae crew... totally drew up a whole-franchise-mashup-cosmology because.... reasons? Mostly because we had an excuse to do it and Unicron/Mortilus is my not-so-secret rarepair. (link to the eternal wip where we haven't really figured out much of the era of he thirteen primes but still)
    As we can see clearly Adaptus sacrificed his most of his life by giving transformers the transformation cog and then "left the miracle planet to spread peace and harmony throughout the universe" (... it's a euphemism he totally died)
    That will be relevant in a second.
    IDW canon has a specific hotspot in the shape of a giant handprint, the hotspot of Alyon. Weird shit was going on there which I'll not further dive into because spoilers for MTMTE, but there's... implications that the sparks from there might have stuff going on.
    So here we now are with @Armory of Alyon, who... has no t-cog. Never had one in fact! And she (which is the pronoun she'll eventually adopt tho back then she's still going by "he" as per cybertronian standard) even seems to reject implants. She.... didn't have a good time under the senate. So then the war hits and since she doesn't really get any of the warring factions she leaves with another faction, The Circle Of Light, who rever the Knights Of Cybertron (Who seem to be defined as "The guiding hand but without Mortilus (and presumably primus)" so. Adaptus, Solomus and Epistemus). But given her whole being locked away by the senate thing and prodded a whole lot she kind of doesn't do well with the "Let's hide away never get involved and not do much of anything, no you can't leave you'd give our hiding place away" approach from the Circle. Sooooo after some time she leaves them too and goes hopping around creation a bit, exploring shit like ancient ruins because she likes that stuff!
    ... Eventually she comes across a sword that's... very very old and very very sentient. And she Accidentally a Symbiont Bond (Because she is a carrier just not a normal one. She only bonds with weaponformers. Outliers! Fun for the whole family!) And that Sword is Adaptus' old sword and he... immediately recognizes her. So now she and @Fidelis are an item. And go all over creation where they find more weaponsformers to bond with, like @Veritas (The axe of the primes who Optimus kiiiiiind of ust... quietly set free and had a not-a-person-replica made of when he realized he is a mech and not just a weapon), @Rage of Tribe Megatronus (The cannon Galvatron used to strike down Nexus Prime) and @Bang & Pow who are just severely undersocialized twin pistols that were forgotten in an abandoned Moon Base.
    Currently Armory just basically swore to go help @Amalgamous Prime with their current problems because she adopts everyone xP
    Last edited: May 2, 2017
    • Like x 2
  2. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    Of note: this version of Amalgamous is my bastardized headcanon so-far-from-canon-might-as-well-be-OC because I needed someone for my ridiculous hell planet and Shifters are. Excellent.
    • Winner x 1
  3. TheOwlet

    TheOwlet A feathered pillow filled with salt and science


    I'm down with tripleformer the TEAM already seems to have a few might as well lob another into it. (Name settled btw it's gonna be Updraft that's my child now). Please let our carriers meet Updraft is going to need like... help. 3 million years without any cassettes after having three took a toll on him and listen there's a solid chance he might just try and pick up and adopt Nichrome because Smol!! Mine now!! Which is not going to be a good time for anyone, roll in the shrinks.
    • Agree x 1
  4. Petra

    Petra space case

    ...Updraft and Archive need to meet.
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  5. Codeless

    Codeless Cheshire Cat

    I would not recommend trying it with Sawbones either, even if she is a cat like Ravage. She is also sharp. :P
  6. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    Armory isn't on the TEAM though she's probably in the same universe, you can catch her in the SPR tho
    and as for Nichrome and cassettes... There's an AU for that... [TW: kidnapping, nonconsensual frame modding, codependency... uh... Look, Chase-Off and his symbionts are... not very mentally healthy in this...]
    But yes I love Updraft already I'm... excited... as hell...
    • Winner x 1
  7. Sleepy_Stiingray

    Sleepy_Stiingray local ass beater


    That's a lot of though put into it, I like it!
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  8. TheOwlet

    TheOwlet A feathered pillow filled with salt and science

    @Petra @IvyLB
    • Winner x 1
  9. Petra

    Petra space case

    SPR or you can join DT to meet Archive! She's my camien carrier. :3
  10. Codeless

    Codeless Cheshire Cat

    Id suggest the SPR as a good no consequences play place. Nothing that happens in there is permanent.
    • Agree x 2
  11. Sleepy_Stiingray

    Sleepy_Stiingray local ass beater

    I'd be all over making just an assload of TF OCs, but my biggest concern is that since I bug all my friends about transformers already, I get worried that they might just kinda be like " [nervous laughing] haha yeeaaaa... coool..."

    I mean I need more friends already, so this just kinda makes my bite my tongue and hold in all the headcanons, ships, and binge-watching.
    I mean what's pretty cool is that my best friend enjoyed Animated and I show him a lot of Prime, which he likes, but he can't get through one full TFP episode.
    • Witnessed x 2
  12. TheOwlet

    TheOwlet A feathered pillow filled with salt and science


    link please? I can't seem to find the thread ;_;
  13. Codeless

    Codeless Cheshire Cat

    Here you go. Sprocket is my tfp insecticon variant bby. We have insecticon worldbuilding to read here. The SPR OOC thread is here.
    • Winner x 1
  14. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

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  15. Sleepy_Stiingray

    Sleepy_Stiingray local ass beater

    True, I'm just really nervous talking to groups though
    Especially since you guys are mostly talking about IDW and since I don't know too much about it I'm just kinda skimming.

    I mean you guys seem pretty cool, but I just can't really relate to you due to my lack of knowledge.
  16. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    fair! Though I've watched TFA and TFP (... still haven't watched the 3rd season here tho) and a lot of the others have too so!
    • Useful x 1
  17. TheOwlet

    TheOwlet A feathered pillow filled with salt and science

    TFP is the only thing I've watched (yet) so we're def in a similar boat here!
  18. spockandawe

    spockandawe soft and woolen and writhing with curiosity

    We do like talking about the shows too! IDW is just the thing that's currently updating (I tell a lie, there's the RiD animated show too, but I know I'm not caught up with that, and I think only a few people in the thread are). I love TFP and TFA especially, and if there's conversation to be had about those, I am very much there OuO

    (also, if you want a reading order for the most fun way to blast through the IDW content, I've worked that out too! It's not very chronological, but it's super fun and starts you with the best stuff for emotional investment. I don't remember the search terms to dig it up off the top of my head, but I can look for it or recreate it if you're interested. I dove into things right from the middle without any knowledge about the characters and still did fine, so if you've got any background at all, you'd be doing way better than me :D)
    • Informative x 1
  19. Sleepy_Stiingray

    Sleepy_Stiingray local ass beater

    I've also seen some Armada, Rescue Bots(I shamefully enjoy), and G1(loveee!)
    I do need to get caught up on RiD though, gah!

    TFA and TFP are extremely good, I can still find some flaws but those are just personal preferences. Such as things like: Soundwave only having Laserbeak in TFP, and there being multiple primes in TFA. Dismiss-able, so I can still enjoy it no problem! I'm just a sucker or official and legit things, ya know?

    The only transformers my friends are really into is Bayverse, I can find decent things about them but still a good bit of negative. Not enough to completely hate the films, I mean I can still enjoy them, but I just hate what Bay did to the characters.

    As with IDW though, I have already started MTMTE a while ago, only gotten to like maybe 20 something issues, but I stopped so I could go back, look at the TFArchive, and get the comics before MTMTE. There's just so much though so I'm extremely behind.
  20. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    Seconding ivy, come huddle spawn eight million robot ocs with us!

    I'm not up to date on most of idw either, just Party Bus :P the DT cosmology is a "how do we make shit make sense" mash-up of what little we have of idw and the much more expansive aligned (TFP and associated shows/games/books) universes, with HEAPING PILES OF HEADCANON because it wasn't queer enough for us honestly some of the Aligned thirteen blend together and also the sources contradict each other anyway so we kinda went crazy.
    • Agree x 1
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