ustuck fantroll planning thread [closed rp]

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by Astrodynamicist, Jun 3, 2016.

  1. Astrodynamicist

    Astrodynamicist Adequate Potato Goblin

    so looking over the scheduling data so far, sounds like friday or saturday evening/night would work best for the most people, unless I misunderstood something. if i can get my parents to let me have dinner in my room those nights without asking awkward questions i can be available whenever in the evening, otherwise probably 8 at the earliest.

    so, remaining decisions:
    how long do we plan to go for in a single session?
    preferences for friday vs saturday?
  2. autonomousIcarus

    autonomousIcarus Keeler Alta1r

    I vote at least a few hours for the first session, and then maybe we can reevaluate once we see how it goes/get set up to be able to do things throughout the week as well if we want.
    Friday and Saturday are equally good for me.
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  3. Re Allyssa

    Re Allyssa Sylph of Heart

    I might have a slight preference for Friday. If the last few weekends are any indicator, I might be busy Saturdays.

    I don't know how long they should be, but not too too long? My attention span is pretty low these days.
  4. Luke_Ferrous

    Luke_Ferrous this sphere thing

    I too have a slight preference for Friday. Maybe for the first session we should have a defined stopping point, since the introductory arc has sort of been sketched out already. If everybody can have their intro posts written and ready, we can devote all our time to the bits where our trolls actually interact, and we can get a handle on how much time we'd need to make plot progress in a single session, and if that works for everyone involved.
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  5. Astrodynamicist

    Astrodynamicist Adequate Potato Goblin

    Defined stopping point in terms of plot?

    And intro post as in our first posts in the rp?

    And yeah, that sounds very sensible
  6. Astrodynamicist

    Astrodynamicist Adequate Potato Goblin

    Also there'd been talk in a meta thread about peeps putting content warnings at the start of rp threads. I reckon we're gonna be pg13 w canon typical violence and cursing and no sex whatsoever, that sound about right?

    I can add that to the OP here but also do an ooc header w it to open the real thread before we commence the actual rping.
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  7. Luke_Ferrous

    Luke_Ferrous this sphere thing

    Yeah, since the Homestuck-style character intros only focus on a single character, we can each write whatever we want without worrying about what the other characters are doing. And maybe if there's a transition between two characters' intros (like how Lukasz is going to take care of some housekeeping before triggering the segue to Kezria's intro), it might help to have that written, too.

    Regarding content warnings: that sounds about right, though considering Thayge's line and work and the existence of Incubusdad, I'd say the odds of us at least indirectly referencing non-PG material are quite high. Definitely no more referenves than exist in canon, at least.
  8. autonomousIcarus

    autonomousIcarus Keeler Alta1r

    Not in this plotline, certainly. Given that future plotlines could be lots of other things, it could get a tad more violent than canon? I guess future plotlines might also be in different threads too, if that makes more sense, and then each plotline can have its own warnings.
  9. Astrodynamicist

    Astrodynamicist Adequate Potato Goblin

    i had a different idea of our first posts. while it's true that homestuck gives each character a separate intro, i was thinking more in terms of how typically in a story you interweave later character intros. plus, i was planning to bounce off at least kezria's opening since i follow immediately after that (at least w thayge) and wanted to follow that lead to make sure everything meshes.

    of course, if yall want to do the independent pre-written intros, i'm fine with that. i just feel like it might bog down the start a bit, and make weaving our entries together a bit more difficult if we don't know exactly what we're building off of. like we might accidentally end up with a bunch of filler to get together if we start with too much housekeeping (like, that start makes sense for lukasz, but i don't think it would for astroh since by then the relevant action will have already started). i may well be being too fussy, though.

    more than pg-13, though? (i am not great at judging those boundaries, hence my asking)

    i don't really see us hitting the 18+ level with violence, but yeah, if we do we can up the warnings, esp if later chapters get their own threads we can change the intro warning for each accordingly.

    the rough boundary proposed for violence hitting 18+ is "is this nightmare fuel?" so like, malicious + body horror like in torture or sth. the thread proposing labeling is here, if anyone wants to look at that discussion. is short:
  10. Astrodynamicist

    Astrodynamicist Adequate Potato Goblin

    name: Thayge Ingkin (but goes by "The Kingpin" or "Kingpin" since he's already taken an adult name, what with being an adult)
    gender: male
    blood color: indigo (gamzee indigo, not equius indigo)
    symbol: still a wip, but probably something based on an elephant or mastodon skull/tusks seen from the front
    age: 15ish (i can adjust his level of adultness)
    lusus: The Oliphauther (approximately a Deinotherium)
    abilities: none
    affiliations: leader of a blackmarket operation, and probably has connections to other such operation leaders in other places, plus all his business deals getting various people to work for/with him. otherwise very purposefully none - for instance, he'll put on clown paint to make a deal with clown cultists, or throw on a shackles necklace when meeting with signlessists, but he has no loyalty to any of those groups, nor to the empire.
    typing quirk: Perfe(t di(tion, pun(tuation, et(., with "c"s replaced by "("s (to sort of look like elephant tusks). He's willing to drop or even change it if it'll help business.
    quadrants: idk yet
    physical appearance: ron perlman but a troll. his horns are shaped like some kind of elephant tusks, though i haven't decided specifically yet. kinda leaning towards mastodon tusks as the model. fancy clothes (Hannibal Chau's suit and gold shoes, but the suit is indigo to match his blood, unless he's dressing otherwise to help a deal).
    strife specibus: fistkind, firearmkind. also knows spearkind because his lusus insisted he take it up following his ancestor
    Hive Location: somewhere proximal to the town the others live in/near. probably not in town. he has a base of operations out in the country and lives in the midst of that surrounded by many of his gangmembers.

    description: Troll Hannibal Chau. he seems really big and tough and ruthless, and he is, but when it comes down to it he's really just a self-serving coward. take away his advantages and he'll spill anything about anyone to save himself. no one knows this but him, however. his associates only get to know his business side, which is very pragmatic, equal-opportunity (all he cares about is profit, after all), and ruthless. he doesn't mind using coercion, but he prefers to make genuinely mutually-agreeable deals, bc happy businessmates are more likely to work well with him and his people. he also believes that everyone should get to fairly profit alongside him (or at least, everyone working with him), so he opposes slavery and similar. like, he'll happily screw over rivals, or give himself the biggest slice of the pie in an agreement, and the like, but he won't buy people or force them to sell themselves or such.

    Backstory: started building his criminal empire as a kid. dodged ascension bc he doesn't give a shit about the empire and vehemently does not want to go into military service. still runs that empire. has amassed quite a bit of wealth and power (at least as far as planetside stuff goes). he knows a lot of juicy stuff about a lot of people in his region, as he sells drugs, arms, artifacts, whatever, to whoever. he knows plenty of signlessists, sufferists, clown cultists, ascension-dodgers, etc.

    his ancestor was Hannibal who is a famous highblood warrior and general. his lusus tried to push him into that mold (as did some of his childhood highblood friends who put a lot of stock into ancestor stuff), but he has no interest in it. he sees no glory in fighting; he wants to go down in history as infamously powerful and rich. but even more so he wants to live a rich and powerful life, and if everyone forgets him, eh, he enjoyed the run and that's what counts.
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  11. Re Allyssa

    Re Allyssa Sylph of Heart

    Yeah, I agree with this. Like, I was thinking that Kezria is probably going to have a bit of a conversation with Lukasz before Thayge comes in. Stuff like that?

    Do our first posts need to be Proper Homestuck Intros? I'm okay with doing that, but I'd almost rather just jump into the roleplaying itself.
  12. Astrodynamicist

    Astrodynamicist Adequate Potato Goblin

    i am not interested in writing Proper Homestuck Intros. if yall want to that's fine, but i will break pattern. :/

    and yeah, i'd rather jump right into the rping too.
  13. Iglora Henist

    Iglora Henist New Member

    I wasn't even going to worry about putting together my intro until after the rp had begun and I had a better idea of how things were going. It IS a roleplay, and I can knock together Iglora's introductory post pretty quickly. It might even be that Iglora interacts with Kezria before we get around to her real intro. After all, that happened in Homestuck a lot.
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  14. Luke_Ferrous

    Luke_Ferrous this sphere thing

    If that's how everybody wants to handle that, I guess we can just have intros be for whoever wants to write them, whenever they feel it fits best. I wanted to do an intro post, and since my intro directly segues into Plot Events I figured it made sense to do that first. Plus, if Lukasz is the first one posting then it's a convenient way to set up the RP.
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  15. Luke_Ferrous

    Luke_Ferrous this sphere thing

    Also, is it about time for us to settle on a definite start date? I don't want to be pushy but summer's already a month over.
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  16. Astrodynamicist

    Astrodynamicist Adequate Potato Goblin

    I can start whatever weekend. Next weekend I do start a thing earlyish Saturdays but I can deal probably.
  17. Re Allyssa

    Re Allyssa Sylph of Heart

    I can start whenever as well
  18. Luke_Ferrous

    Luke_Ferrous this sphere thing

    Whenever works for me, too. I'll see about poking the others for preferences.
  19. judicialEscapist

    judicialEscapist The Kingpin

    ((everyone please admire this amazing avatar image i just cobbled together))
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  20. autonomousIcarus

    autonomousIcarus Keeler Alta1r

    1 l00k f0rward t0 w0rk1ng w1th th1s assh0le c0ntact
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2016
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