fantroll arr pee planning/ooc (open!)

Discussion in 'Desertverse Fantrolls' started by taxonomicAtrocity, Jun 7, 2016.

  1. Ryncoon

    Ryncoon Well-Known Member

    @taxonomicAtrocity I'm game! I'll get something done up and give her an @. btw, out of curiousity, is it chuh-iroh or kuh-iroh, like Chiron?
  2. @Ryncoon chee-roh! which prolly doesn't follow any rules of pronunciation ever, but hey
  3. esotericPrognosticator

    esotericPrognosticator still really excited about kobolds tbqh

    how old is Aerian exactly? 'cause Saikym's still on-planet, and I don't know why an adult would be? I suppose I could RP a, like, young adult version of them, post-Ascension... also, that Troll!Jake thing is weird, because... I don't think they're like him at all, really? what makes you say that?

    mm, well, one of tA's kids already has a claim on Saikym's spade, so maybe not Kainze. I like the idea of Corvie and Jhanzi, though! any idea how they might run into each other?

    :O!!! I don't have portraits for Jhanzi and Kypher, just shitty pictures of their signs. would you really?? what details do you need?
  4. @esotericPrognosticator just a decent description and/or any art you do have of them, isn't there something of kypher upthread? i can work off of that!
  5. Lady Kianna

    Lady Kianna Seer of Void.

    Just got back from dinner and caught up

    I am also a very chronic multiplayer. It's quite often in RPs with Ryn that we walk into a 'selffest' and end up with a wall of text by only one of us.

    @esotericPrognosticator Not troll!Jake in personality just in the way he looks.
    Also Aerian's probably pretty old but if Rainbow Drinkers don't age (like human vampires) then he's never really grow to BE an adult.
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2016
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  6. Lady Kianna

    Lady Kianna Seer of Void.

    Ideas for desert based locale

    Wide desert, with a city for the city-living trolls and this would give a central area for market/plottings/anyone to go to.

    forest on west side for the 'pacific northwest' type area for Saikym (there is actually a desert area up here but it's not really sandy at all.) and also good place for Mr Treehouse.

    aside from the Helms-only characters that could easily bring everyone together into the same world/verse?
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  7. Lady Kianna

    Lady Kianna Seer of Void.

  8. esotericPrognosticator

    esotericPrognosticator still really excited about kobolds tbqh

    @taxonomicAtrocity yup, there is. here it is again, so you don't have to go thread-trawling.
    that black doodad is an eyepatch, if it wasn't clear. he's got a pretty nasty scar that shows past the edges of the patch, too. and generally speaking just think pointy, angular, skinny, etc. his blood color's something like #f4ed13.

    as for Jhanzi, he's a greenblood, about #0c892d. he's got kind of a weak chin and a long, narrow face and high cheekbones and big ol' eyebrows, and his mouth is small. his nose has a kind of diamond-shaped tip and is a little big. he's got quite the rack and floofy hair and dorky glasses. he's pretty skinny and has narrow shoulders. if that doesn't constitute a decent description let me know and I can provide more details!
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  9. Attached Files:

  10. esotericPrognosticator

    esotericPrognosticator still really excited about kobolds tbqh

    I'd like a little bit of Jhanzi's hair to be in front of his horn there, and the lower section of Kypher's horns are actually perpendicular to his head, but otherwise aaaaaaah so good thanks so much.
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  11. Attached Files:

  12. esotericPrognosticator

    esotericPrognosticator still really excited about kobolds tbqh

    scre ams ??? ahh thank you so much look at that huge nerd and that trash baby they are perfect
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  13. @esotericPrognosticator i'm glad u like!

    also i changed the thread name so that's it's more relevant 2 what we're doin
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  14. Lady Kianna

    Lady Kianna Seer of Void.

    I think this is going to turn into a draw party because now I need to draw Kainze/Mischa/LeopardMom
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  15. Lady Kianna

    Lady Kianna Seer of Void.

    • Like x 1
  16. Lady Kianna

    Lady Kianna Seer of Void.

  17. @Lady Kianna kamira, maybe? for delphi and/or nazumi! kamira's part of a clown-controlled prehelming program, so there'd maybe be a chance for them to meet?
  18. cantankerousAquarius

    cantankerousAquarius Acrasial Macrology

    //vague flailing
    hi i have a tumblr RP blog [here] and i sure hope yall dont expect me 2 link every single profile! there should be a profile for each troll on their respective blogs.
    tumblr RPs sap my spoons some and id like to try shit out here
    ETA: maggie, rehtuu, skippy, and lucind would be rad to do more with rn
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2016
  19. peripheral

    peripheral Stacy's Dad Is Also Pretty Rad

  20. esotericPrognosticator

    esotericPrognosticator still really excited about kobolds tbqh

    @cantankerousAquarius ooh Tizmik (maybe together with Algern), Teylir, and Maggie look really cool! (your other guys do too, but them especially.) I'd be down for doing something with Saikym and Jhanzi (separately or as a package deal) and/or Kypher (I don't have an actual ref post for him; let me know if that's not okay and I'll put one together.) so maybe let me know if any of them look interesting to pair with any of your guys? it's no problem if none of them catch your interest.

    likewise @peripheral if you want go ahead and check out my guys and let me know if any of your on-planet trolls (that'd be Tyrian and Finbar?) spark off them in interesting ways, that'd be great! or your adults, if you can figure out some way they'd get in contact. I'm down for timeline shenanigans.
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